Have You Received A Download?

The concept of a “psychic download” is becoming more known and commonly used, but what does it mean? Downloads are blocks of information sent directly into your consciousness as a new understanding of knowledge. Having a download has been described: as a ringing in the ear, a dream containing unknown knowledge, body sensations, or a mental picture of symbols/images.

Source: YourTango

Download Origins

Where do these downloads come from? Well, that is a layered answer that starts with your higher self, angles, deceased family members, and ETs and ends with Source. And anything in-between, so how do we know who sent them? Our higher selves sound like our voice/mind, while a family member usually sounds and looks like themselves. While ETs or angles use symbols and images to communicate. That is why, the more earthly knowledge we have in our minds, the easier it is for the spirit side to effectively communicate.

My Experience

I can recognize many different ways in which I experience downloads. Either in my dreams, a ringing in my left ear or a clear knowing of new information. During my dreams, new information is told to me by a person/ET I have not met in real life. After I wake up, I have a true understanding of the new knowledge and how to use it.

During my waking hours, I receive knowledge that a download has occurred with a ringing in my left ear. Which only lasts thirty seconds and is companied by other body sensations; like goosebumps or warmth. The downside is I don’t have the understanding of the knowledge or how to access it.

Some downloads are on the spot and very relevant to my current situation. I am usually unaware that a download has occurred, just that I know something to be true out of the blue. I believe in this instance, the download is the help of someone else. When other people are not connected or listening to their spiritual helpers, then the other side will find a way to convey the message.

Funny Situations

For example, I find myself in the weirdest conversations with people I am not close with and about topics I do not usually talk about. But I get this intense urge to share my take on things, inspire by my discomfort. During these conversations, I can physically see my conversation companion’s demeanour change for the positive. And at the end, I feel a sense of completion or overwhelming positivity.

We all can receive downloads and obtain higher knowledge if we only open ourselves up to it.

Here is a website describing what a download feels like: https://medicinesongwoman.com/spiritual-download-how-to-tell.

Live Joy, Renee