Walking Beside the Beaten Path

I like to walk beside the well-beaten path
You know, the one that everybody else likes to take
The path that is marked and well-groomed
While my path through life is thick with bushes and trees
Sometimes my clothes get snagged on a branch and even ripped
I choose to make my way through the brush beside the path to keep in touch with normality
From time to time, I step onto the clear path to walk on autopilot 
Before I climb my way back into the woods to adventure on 
Discovering plants, observing the wildlife and enjoying the sounds of nature
At times branches wipe my face or I step into a hole and roll my ankle
I still wouldn’t have it any other way
I hear others call to me from the well-beaten path as I make my way
I hauled back with a quick joke
I know it is hard for them to watch me fall, bleed, and curse my way through life 
But in between there are amazing moments of wonder
Connecting with nature, daydreaming through life and stepping in shit every once in a while
Love Renee