Ways To Spiritually Protect

Why: To protect yourself from negative energies, attachments or other people’s emotions.

When: Before meditation, sleeping, any spiritual connection or after spending time with an energy-draining people/situation. 

How: By setting intensions, envisioning light, asking for protection or using crystals. 

Precursor: Clear away all negative energies from our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies before creating protection or else they will be trapped inside your protection. 

Ways to Clear:

-Smudging (smoke carries away negativity) or a singing bowl (pushes them away).

-Ask Archangel Michael to cut cords (fear-based or negative connections to others).

-Visualizing breathing in cleansing white light and breathing out negativity.

-During a shower envision the water washing away the negative and lower vibrating energies.

Ways to Protect:


-By raising your vibrations through meditation, listening to music, walking in nature or grounding yourself.

-Living a heart-centred life also raises your vibration therefore you are not a vibrational match to negative energies.

Light Protection

Envision yourself being surrounded by a light bubble or a beam of light. The colour you choose is important: White = source, Pink = love, and Gold = deflects energies.

Asking for Protection

-Ask your guarding angles, Archangel Michael, source or your higher self to help shield you from attacks and negativity.


-Place crystals in your home, at work or on your person. Crystals best for protection are Black Tourmaline, Jet, Obsidian, Apache Tears, Smoky Quartz, Fire Agate, Amethyst, Malachite, Shungite and Clear Quartz.

References: Channeling Erik, Gigi Young, Sylvia Brown, Dorran Virtue