Getting To Know Crystals Part 3

The golden rule is to trust your instincts on what crystals are right for you

10 Healing Stones:

  1. Amethyst – peace, healing, intuition
  2. Rose Quartz – forgiveness, love, self-esteem
  3. Iron Pyrite – prosperity, confidence, protection
  4. Tiger’s Eye – courage, clarity, strength
  5. Hemalite – grounding, anxiety, relief, memory
  6. Raw Emerald – hope, renewal, friendship
  7. Citrine – happiness, abundance, vision
  8. Celestine – spirituality, prosperity, dreaming
  9. Quartz – clarity, healing, cleansing
  10. Desert Rose – motivation, energy, harmony

Chakra and Crystals:

7 Crown (purple) – clear quartz, amethyst, lepidolite

6 Third Eye (indigo) – amethyst, lapis lazuli, fluorite

5 Throat (blue) – sodalite, blue lace agate, angelite

4 Heart (green) – rose quartz, aventurine, amazonite, emerald

3 Solar Plexus (yellow) – citrine, yellow jasper, pyrite

2 Sacral (orange) – carnelian, amber, tiger’s eye

1 Root (red) – hemalite, tiger’s eye, jasper, black obsidian, black tourmaline, garnet, smoky quartz
