Why Our Filters Affect Spirit’s Info

Now that we are more familiar with how the spirit will communicate with us, let’s discuss how our filters affect the information.

Source: Nicholas Sieben

Everyone has their own unique filters. Filters are how we evaluate the world around us. They include our own code of ethics, morals, and socially accepted behaviours. They are shaped by our experiences. Ranging from our parents’ rules to religious morals, to what our society excepts, and how we present ourselves to others.

With all the knowledge/experiences we have stored, Spirit can only communicate using that framework. This means every person will understand the same message differently from Spirit and can cause many variations. There are no two people alike, especially when it comes to spiritual communicators, psychics, and mediums. You might have already found this to be true when listening or reading about spiritual communication. The content is the same just understood in slightly different ways or even completely different than everyone else.

Discernment Is Key

Discernment is the best tool to decide which communicated spiritual information you should believe in. Ask yourself does this information resonate with me? And be open to changing your mind. Our filters are like levels in consciousness. At first, your level is low so the information coming in is basic or simply put. When we gain more knowledge and experiences with spiritual concepts or tough life lessons, we will be able to get deeper meanings.

I started believing in that the one percent of the richest people were controlling my environment and the information I was able to learn about my reality. Now after four years of study and reflection, I believe I am a co-create of my reality and that the only perception I can change is my own. My truth is like the saying, “If you want to change the outside world, first look inside yourself to make that change.”

Our Filters are always changing and flowing with time and space. Just know that the information you resonate with now is in your highest good and when that is no longer true, it’s okay to go with the flow of change.


Live Joy, Renee