Vibrations, Raise Them To A New You!

Vibration is a hard word for me to define. I know this is cliche, but it’s more of a feeling, a frequency.

Source: EarthSky

The goal in raising our vibrations is to connect with our higher self or the higher spirits. Why higher vibrations are good, is to receive the purest information possible. If you so choose to seek it. It also helps with your everyday life, things just seem to fall into place. Your stars line up and everything you attempt is contentful. You feel able and ready to handle all the hard stuff that before used to get you down. This sounds awesome, right?

So how does one go about raising their vibration or frequency? It can be as simple as listening to relaxing music or washing dishes. To more complex activities like hour-long mediations or past trauma clearings. What were you choose there is great source material all over the internet.

In Example

Examples of passive activities include: reading your favourite book, playing music, listening to music, doing chores but being mindful of all your five senses, walking in nature, watching wildlife, walking barefoot in the grass, smelling nature, dancing, yoga, exercise, and the list goes on.

Examples of complex activities include long meditations, cleansing rituals, past life regression, trauma clearing, shadow work, and inner child work. These are more advanced because they take time and dedication to proactively work through your sh*t as it comes up.

It’s all worth it though, to feel the heavy weight lift off your body. Metaphysically removing the shackles of heavy emotions and burdens that we carry with us throughout life. These acts allow our vibration to be lighter, and less dense.

Don’t worry, our vibrations are known to fluctuate throughout the day, month, year, and even lifetimes. It does not mean you are doing anything wrong if you find yourself feeling low. I like to think of it as a reminder to do something that lifts my spirits.

Having fun is fundamental to raising your vibrations. So go ahead and start feeling lighter.

How to raise your vibrations by Teal Swan //

Live Joy, Renee