Updating Our Core Beliefs

Core beliefs are our moral values and the rules by which we judge yourselves and others. They can be helpful or crippling in our day-to-day life. We shape our core beliefs from the moment we are born. Picking up on cues from our loved ones on how to get what we need. We create them based on our emotions and the desired outcome. Pixar’s movie, Inside Out, is a cool example of how we might create and shape our beliefs throughout our lives.

All core beliefs have pros and cons. If the cons list is bigger than the pros, then the belief is most likely holding you back in life. Unless you are in the same situation you were in when you created them, then the belief is still helpful. To find out what your core beliefs are, look no further than your personality traits. Make a list yourself and ask a close, honest person to make one also then cross reference it for common themes.

For example, core beliefs can be:

  • Joking Around – being a goofball during tough times, so your friends do not stay mad at you or the situation.
  • Quiet Personality – being a quiet and not asking for much, so to not draw any attention to yourself.
  • Quick To Anger – being angry before any one else can protect your heart and get people to applause first.
  • Freezing Up – being frozen during times of high tension because you had parent use to fight in front of you.
  • Telling White Lies – being able to lie to get out of trouble because you had an abusive family member.
  • Beauty – maintaining your looks because you saw that prettier people had an easier time in life.
  • Book Smart – being smart because no one can argue with the facts, so you will always be on the right side.
  • Following Rules – being a rule follower helps keep you in good standing with everyone, even if you do not get what you want.

The key is, there is no real ‘good or bad’ core belief if that core belief is still serving you. If you have ever wondered what is holding you back from being an artist or committing to marriage is as simple as an old core belief that is currently working against you. Or if you find yourself in the same situations at work, home or anywhere else, it might be a core belief keeping you stuck to relive it over and over.

The good news is, core beliefs can be changed. Finding out the root cause of any core belief will help you to redefine yourself and create a new belief that benefits you again. Happy Changing!

Core Belief, and Changing a Core Belief are two videos from Teal Swan on this subject, which is how I learned about my own beliefs.

Live Joy, Renee