Introvert VS Extrovert

I have been misunderstanding these two concepts wrong my whole life. An extrovert likes talking and sharing with people, while an introvert is private and shy. I have always thought I was an extrovert, but according to this definition, I am also an introvert. The image below is from Wikipedia.

Okay, it must be possible that I changed. Or at least I tend to flip between the two. Because I am outgoing, talkative, and assertively confident, I seek solitude throughout my day after being in a crowd and prefer one-on-one friendships. This must be where my ADHD kicks in to help me to be energetic and enthusiastic. I also need solitude activities to recharge and recenter my thoughts and energies. Though, for work, I like being in a group where my role is laid out.

Is Being Both Okay?

As a little girl, I was shy and quiet in groups and with strangers. When around loved ones, I was comfortable, loud and active. I don’t think I am just one or the other. I flip between them when it suits me or to keep me safe in my environment. Let me bring my intuitive side into the discussion. I can see why I become an introvert at times. Being able to know or feel how others are thinking and feeling can be confusing. In turn, causing me to hide my true self in fear of rejection.

So, I took a free online test to discover which one I am. Today, I am feeling outgoing and presented as an Extrovert. There I have it. It all depends on how I am feeling at the moment. My partner is the same way. They usually present themselves as an introvert. We balance each other and it is a great thing to have in a partner.

Live Joy, Renee