Meditation or Mindful Activities

Meditation is an age-old technique/tradition of quieting your mind and recharging. While Passive Meditation is a newer idea of being in the moment when participating in activities you love.

Source: NPR

Meditation involves seating still or laying down and being aware of your breath in order to clear your mind of thoughts. We can meditate with relaxing music, candles, incense, and crystals, or focus on an image.

Mindful Activities are any activities you love to do, that don’t take hard focus to complete. For example washing dishes, knitting, colouring, painting, walking, etc. When you take the time to be in the moment with the activity, you are being mindful or passive.

Passive Meditation is not as spiritually connected as regular meditation, but it still can relax, calm and recharge you. If you set the right intention beforehand.

I am not much for meditation. In the beginning, I started to meditate but I decided to work on my sh*t first. I prefer passive meditation to give my mind, body, and soul time to process new beliefs and intergrade my shadow side (personality facets).

I am sure one day, meditation will be back into my daily routine. Helping me connect spiritually to my higher self and allowing the Love to flow through me to guide others.

So if meditation is not working for you right now too, try Mindful Activities. If you don’t know where to start, think about what you liked to do when you were younger. Or what your dream job would entail and do them for fun.

Spirit Animal Meditation guided by Teal Swan. Here is an article on Active or Passive Meditation.

Happy Meditating!

Live Joy, Renee

How I Like To Use My SFT Lexicon

I think Jen Ward and all her powerful, healing videos are very useful. Her technique speaks to the deepest parts of me and helps me heal myself in such a loving and gentle way.

Source: The Conversation

After going through the initial protocols in the first part of the book, I started keeping them at my bedside. Following my evening stretches, I look at my Lexicon and wait to feel a pull. When I do feel that pull, I open the book to a random page. Letting my spirit guide me to what I need right now. I read through both pages before choosing what interested me the most.

Then I do the taps before bedtime. So far I have completed: depression, thyroid, teeth, and anger. I usually do one per night, but if they’re short and I don’t feel finished, I complete two.

It’s a neat way to go through what you need to heal, without thinking too hard about it. If you look through the index, you might get overwhelmed thinking how am I ever going to complete them all.

My way feels lighter and much more fun for me because you never know what you are going to get.

Approaching spirituality with playfulness is what spirit loves.

Live Joy, Renee

Interacting With Yourself

Every relationship you have ever had is really with yourself. Or an aspect of yourself that you have deemed good or bad. Therefore it’s fair to conclude that every person you will ever meet is in some way or another a facet of your personality.

We live in a mirror reality, where what we perceive is a reflection of what we think our reality is. Or you can think of it as the Universal Law of Attraction when it comes to relationships. You are what you put out there. You get what you give.

Source: YouTube

Have you been feeling crumby the past few days? Well, that cranky co-worker, who is getting on your nerves is just reflecting what is back at you. Do you find it hard to relate to a struggling family member? That is possible if your reality is filled with love and joy. We are unable to see that, which we are not.

This Mirror World can work against us or for us. With the acceptance that what you put out there, is what we get. We can start to change our reality, one thought at a time. It starts with kindness to yourself and forgiveness of others. Know that in every moment you can do better and you will see your reality shift with you.

The Act Of Intimacy

When you are unable to connect with that struggling family member, remember the act of Intimacy defined by Teal Swan’s video here, which will help you to meet in the middle. Find common grounds to link your two’s realities and interact healthily again. This concept is still hard for me to grasp, but every time I see a Therapist on TV, flipping their client’s emotions or reactions back at them. It shows me how it can be done.

So keep working on your sh*t and feel the benefits through loving relationships around you.

Live Joy, Renee

My Experience With Lymuria

I am currently reading this thrilling book about Atlantis and Lymuria and humanities sorted past. The book is called A Hypnotist’s Journey To Atlantis, by Sarah Breskman Cosme. Sarah is a QHHT practitioner who, during her client’s sessions noticed a theme involving the mystical islands of Atlantis and Lemuria.

Source: Mount Shasta Myths

Sarah’s story finds correlations between our current virus and a virus that plagued the advanced society of Atlantis before it sunk into the ocean. Her clients’ retelling, created a shock wave through my subconscious and pulled up my own lifetime memories from there.

Previously, I have read and watched other stories about Lemur. Some have made me feel so mad, and others filled me with fond love, and sometimes sadness. One tale is about the Atlantians exploding our moon into Lemuria because we use to have two. Another said the same but we only have one moon so our current moon is artifice. I am sure in another timeline that is true, just not in my current one.

In a Channeling Erik video, Erik talks about the Indigenous people of America being ancestors of Lemurians. As it is, I am really connected to this theory, as lots of Indigenous people believe in the spirit world and living as one with the earth. I feel this to be true for me as an Indigenous Canadian.

I have had a few dreams about this period too. One involves a beautiful scene with a black volcano in the background, a clear blue lake, and a very lush green hill with children playing together on it. The colours were bright, the temperature was warm, and the air was light.

Into My Dreams

Another dream I had was about the aftermath. I was ushering kids to a safe place underground. There was a big cavern with water and wooden plank walkways, there were predator animals in the water that we had to avoid. After we crossed a bridge to a rocky landmass, I felt relief that the children were safe. But I discovered no other people or family members were waiting for us. It was dark, wet, and gloomy underground.

Want I took away from Sarah’s book is that we are cycling through our karma from the period. Either your soul is working through the Lemurian or Atlantian karma. I feel Lemurians are supposed to stand up for themselves this time, fix the injustice they see around them but also keep their calm, loving demeanour. While Atlantians need to stop following a dictator and make choices for themselves and choose to have a more balanced life with spirituality and technology.

It all ties into the 5th Density, a heart-centred life. The heart chakra is the balancing chakra, mixing the physical with the spiritual. The two sides of Atlantis and Lemur. Our generation needs to make better choices. Live in the heart and balance out our karma from the old world. Only use technology when it betters the world, not the individual. Regain our spiritual connection with the world around us, the energy that makes up everything and everyone.

What is your story?

Live Joy, Renee

The How To, Of Automatic Writing

Is a great way to communicate with Spirit without meditation or tarot cards. It’s as simple as getting out some writing material, whether it be pen and paper or a computer. Now write down a question you would like to know the answer to and wait for the urge to answer. Usually, it’s a question you don’t already have a strong opinion about or your desire will take over.

Source: LiveAbout

An example from my third session in May 2019:

  1. Just start writing and we will fill it in
  2. If that was so, you would believe it already and not ask Higher self/guardian angel.
  3. Does Erik Meduza visit me? Yes and plays with your electronics
  4. Is the smoke smell Grandma Liz’s presents? I received no answer
  5. Is this working for me? Yes
  6. How can I do it better? mediate
  7. What is the new job opportunity for me? teaching
  8. Teaching what subject: What you know about spirituality, for beginners
  9. Is there other books I should read? Just keep reading and we will find them for you
  10. Is there any people I should learn about or watch? Old psyches from the past and their ways

At first, I was just writing only the answer but quickly I knew that would not be helpful for me in the future when I read it again.

Another session from June 2019:

  1. Am I changing? Yes
  2. Am I changing towards my highest self? Yes
  3. Will I see my tickets soon? do you need to?
  4. Not really but it would be nice to get back the money. okay then
  5. Will *** and *** show up this weekend? unknown yet
  6. Will *** dance her dance? I think so
  7. Should I go to Visions Books and ask to sell my jewelry? Give it a try
  8. Why are my dreams feeling so heavy? you are learning
  9. What am I learning? how it all works
  10. How many guardian angels do I have around me? enough
  11. A number please? I received no answer.
  12. Is this working right now? maybe
  13. Who are you? I am me

I didn’t get much out of this one. I was too sensitive to the outcome of some of my questions.

Here is a session from later that month.

  1. Can I trust ***? be leery of her
  2. Does she have my best interests at heart? No
  3. Does she wear my earrings then put them back? sometimes
  4. Should I sell on Etsy now? give it a try
  5. Who are you? I am Inside You
  6. Am I more grounded now? Yes
  7. Will my pretzels turn out good? Yes

I felt like the answers were more concise.

The author, Neale Donald Walsch wrote the whole three-part book series of Conversations With God, an uncommon dialogue using automatic writing. Throughout his books, he still questions himself from time to time.

It’s helpful to know that just at your fingertips are comforting words and solutions to your problems. Give it a playful try.

Live Joy, Renee