Groups With Cult-like Tendency

Are you participating in a group or organization with cult-like tendencies? You might be. Cults have a formula that is used in many organizations, including religions, public speakers, fraternities, special clubs, workplaces, and relationships. Now some of these groups may be unaware they are using these technics. So it is up to the individual to make the call and see what is best for us.

Source: TED

This video from Jen in her Jammies talks about Overcoming Cults and the many characteristics all group-like cults exhibit. I found this video interesting because it opened my eyes to other groups and traditions we perpetuate to this day.

When it comes to energy, it does not matter how big or small the group is. We need to be aware of to whom we are giving away our energy. Any group or organization with a Pyramid Scheme structure is taking away your energy, time, money and sovereignty. And putting a human/idea between you and God.

Connecting To God, Let No-one Stand In Your Way

Our connection with God includes but is not limited to: sovereignty, enlightenment, unconditional Love, good health, happiness, joy, spirituality, prosperity, light, being authentic, etc.

Source: Medium

Being part of a group or organization that has cult-like characteristics, that claim to be taking away your Karma might be adding to your Karma through the pyramid structure. Karma is created when the energy we put into something/someone is not reciprocated.

Be careful where you put your energy/time/money/faith. That means your children, spouse, career, boss, friendships, parents, clubs, and religious leaders. If the energy you are putting into them is not coming back, then you might be causing yourself harm.

Balance is all we need. Find balance in all aspects of your life and it is okay to ask for equal respect and energy to come back to you.

Live Joy, Renee