The Boomerang Effect Of LOVE

Whether we notice it or not, Love does have a way of coming back to us. LOVE has a multitude of meanings, but for this post, Love means the positive energy/attention we give to any specific thing.

Source: Denise Marek

The boomerang effect of Love is simple. Not only can it come back to us exactly as we put it out there. But also be as simple as a compliment from a stranger or a heart-felt gratitude from a family member.

When we LOVE OUT LOUD, we welcome back to us all the same Loving energy. Sometimes it’s well deserved and other times it takes us by surprise. Either way, it is a lovely way to experience our day.

So the next time someone gives you great customer service or a product exceeds your expectations tell them about it. It will be worth your while, especially on our gloomy, low energy days when the boomerang of Love comes back to us.

Live Joy, Renee