Law Of Oneness aka We Are All One

The Law Of Oneness works by everything in the known Universe is made up of Energy. And this Energy is from one source of All There Is, aka The Creator. Making us part and whole of All There Is (GOD) and through this Energy is a collective consciousness.

I enjoy using this analogy to explain further. God is a great body of water and we, the Souls are the individual droplets of that great body of water. Like a Hologram; we are a piece of God and yet the complete form of God.

Source: Connie Hertz

With that in mind I think this Law is the coolest. I just love the idea of being a holographic image of All There Is. And in turn, we are One with everything on Earth, energetically. Causing us to have a direct influence on the things around us, whether we know it or not.

This is why compassion and unconditional Love is so monumental. We ought to have them for everyone and everything, especially ourselves. It goes to say, we need to watch what we say and do to others. As we are essentially saying and doing them to ourselves.

Thinking about the whole world as a collective consciousness helps us to understand the well being of any group. Through a collective consciousness concept, we can look at the group’s wants and see how the individuals are feeling.

I believe when a collective consciousness of a country is not doing well, we will see Natural Disasters in their area.

In The End

In the Law of Oneness, it is more important to work with energy at an individual level. As we can influence the collective to a higher vibration with our energy. We can accomplish this by raising our vibrations, maintaining a positive outlook, sending out good vibrations to all, and releasing trapped emotions.

At the end of the day, it comes to gratitude. Being grateful for the world around us and the people who help make it possible.

Live Joy, Renee

Law Of Attraction

There is a lot of material out there about the Law Of Attraction and how it works. Not all of it is correct. The Law is much simpler than others would write about. This Law works together with the Law Of Vibrations. We vibrationally attract what we are a match for. That means both positive and negative experiences.

Source: FreshBooks

I do think this is the biggest concept we need to understand to help live our lives the smoothest. Especially when we find ourselves in bad situations or with health problems. Through our thoughts, feeling and actions we are attracting negativity.

The great news is with a complete understanding of the Law Of Attraction we can tailor our lives. Vibrations can always be changed with conscious thought and actions.

The Law Of Attraction is different from the Law Of Manifesting by intentions. Manifesting involves purposeful intentions. While Attraction is telling us how it’s going to be, whether we participate or not. Like attracts like.

How It Works

To achieve our goals, we need to think and feel positivity about them first. Then take actions or steps toward our goals. These steps do not need to be big or grand. Just as simple as committing time daily to an activity or buying an object that is part of your goal.

When things go bad, we need to stop and think about our situation. Are the thoughts and feelings we are having also sending out into the world the correct ones. It’s time to adjust them if not. Working through this step takes time. Changing bad behaviour is harder than creating good behaviour.

This goes for our health too. We need to keep pure, healthy thoughts and consume healthily to attract health. Hypochondriacs unknowingly create their dis-eases through concentrated thoughts and worry.

There is no right or wrong thoughts, feelings, or actions here. Just try to live your life with conscious effort.

Live Joy, Renee

Law Of Vibration aka Frequency

All matter is made up of Energy and all energies have their vibration. A vibration is measured in frequencies, called Hertz (Hz). Over the centuries humans have come up with many ways to experiment with vibrations, ie. music and colour.

And in our modern day, psychics and other energy readers can detect vibrations inside people and objects. Also, It is becoming more common to have a higher frequency to experience optimal well-being.

Source: Connie Hertz

It is important to know what the Law of Vibration involves. Beginning all matter has a vibration, all vibrations can be influenced by other vibrations, and lastly, vibrations can be changed.

It is true to say we need to watch what we think, say, and do because they influence our beingness. Yet there is still more to know about working with vibrations. Everything is linked through vibrations and frequencies can be dominating.

Emotions are the strongest influencer in our lives, then come people and objects. The Link: Using The Universal Law Of Vibration by Connie Hertz explains it well with the use of the Emotional Scale at the bottom of her article. The scale shows positive emotions (higher vibrational frequencies) vs negative emotions (lower vibrational frequencies).

Practical Uses

  • Using the Emotional Scale, compare your vibrational state and making the necessary adjustments.
  • Understand that when we experience negative vibrations, we are attracting it with our own lower vibrational state.
  • Practicing raise our vibration through mediation or mindful activities, will improve our lives.
  • Surround ourselves with objects/people we love will keep our vibration consistent.
  • With our own higher vibrations, we can passively influence other’s in raising their own.
  • We can heal ourselves with vibrations, by listening to the frequency that matches the affect we want.
  • We can change the vibration of our food and water by praying or giving gratitude before we consume them.
Source: Purely Simple Organic Living

With all this new knowledge about vibrations, we can start living our lives now with purpose and precision.

Live Joy, Renee

Diving Into The 12 Universal Laws

Want to take a closer look at the Universal Laws in which our whole universe functions? By now most religious groups and individual spiritualists have their own perceptive on them. As all the Laws do come from the same place of LOVE.

Source: Piktochart

I am going to break the Laws down, one post at a time. Putting my take on them. Honestly, for me, most of the laws feel like they are the same concept. But there are subtle differences between them and that changes how we can interact with them.

As I was browsing the internet, I came across many different lists of Universal Laws. Some are organized differently causing some confusion. I do not think there is one Law better than the other, I just think they are listed in importance to the list creator.

Source: Redbubble


We have popular Laws such as the Law of Attraction and the Law of Cause and Effect. Which most people in the modern world are familiar with. And yet there is a lot of science behind most of the Universal Laws that can be discouraging to the reader.

Unknowingly, I have posted about some of these Laws already. For example, the Law of Gender is demonstrating that everybody has masculine and feminine energies and things have either masculine or feminine energies.

By putting more research into these 12 Laws, I plan on adding a new perspective to our current day. Consequently, we have all been living within these concepts all our lives and even built core beliefs around them.

I would like to find a more practical use for them. Also, help to bring a new understanding as to why our lives do not go the way we intend them to.

It will be helpful to write down the Laws we need to be more familiar with and start using them correctly. Let’s aim to improve our experience on the beautiful, big planet we call Earth.

Live Joy, Renee

The Boomerang Effect Of LOVE

Whether we notice it or not, Love does have a way of coming back to us. LOVE has a multitude of meanings, but for this post, Love means the positive energy/attention we give to any specific thing.

Source: Denise Marek

The boomerang effect of Love is simple. Not only can it come back to us exactly as we put it out there. But also be as simple as a compliment from a stranger or a heart-felt gratitude from a family member.

When we LOVE OUT LOUD, we welcome back to us all the same Loving energy. Sometimes it’s well deserved and other times it takes us by surprise. Either way, it is a lovely way to experience our day.

So the next time someone gives you great customer service or a product exceeds your expectations tell them about it. It will be worth your while, especially on our gloomy, low energy days when the boomerang of Love comes back to us.

Live Joy, Renee