Love and Hate: Similar?

I am currently being emotionally triggered by a movie called, The Hating Game. The movie intrigues me so, causing me to watch it twice, buy the novel and read it in three days. I decided to do some research online about the connection between Love and Hate. How our being-ness reacts to them both; on a mental, emotional and physical level.

My favourite explanation is that the emotional reaction of Hate is a betrayal of Love. As we have a love for someone and also feel a negative reaction/emotion at the same time, creating a paradox. Unknowingly, our love emotion causes us to feel guilty about our negative reaction to them. Consequently, we find it hard to hold Love for someone and have any other negative emotions towards them at some time.


It doesn’t help that the world is filled with statements like this bible verse above, which states what Love is not. So when we do feel all the ‘Love Is Not’s, we feel guilt, shame, fear and anger towards ourselves. And we punish ourselves for feeling anything else but Love for that person. What I believe the verses are trying to convey is that LOVE is an energy, a state of being. When we strip away our Ego and physical bodies, our Souls are just pure LOVE and LOVE is the closes feeling/word to describe GOD.

All There Is, Is Love

When we remember what it is like to be All There Is and how it feels to be connected to the Creator, we experience the true meaning of LOVE. Now the opposite of Love is indifference, the lack of concern or Love for something or someone. While Hate is an emotional concentration of Love.

Think of Love as a scale with Love at the top Hate at the bottom and indifference right in the middle. Now let’s consider the Universal Law of Rhythms, for every uplifting vibration there is an equal and opposite down vibration. This is how we experience Love and Hate.

And this is why I am fascinated with this concept. I thought back to all the times I felt real hate for someone and how I felt about them before the negative incident occurred. I did find a betrayal that I experienced from someone I loved. Whether it be a family member, a friend or a crush. As it is, I am going to take responsibility for my hate responses.


A perfect example is a bully from elementary school, who found me on social media and apologized to me. Since we were not friends in school at any point, I did not feel an emotional reaction to his sentiment. And now I know why I am indifferent to him and therefore not permanently affected by his bullying. As for my brother, I need to evaluate where I think the ‘Love Betrayal’ occurred to adjust my thoughts and feelings toward him. Because I don’t think there is anything he can say to me to cause my feelings to change. It is truly a change that needs to happen from within.

Live Joy, Renee