A New Vision For Sex Ed

I envision a radical change in sexual education and others might not approve. I would like to see homosexual males and females teaching the opposite gender about their sex. The idea is that educated gay men will teach heterosexual females all about male form and sexuality. While educated lesbians will teach heterosexual males about female form and sexuality.

Who would be better equipped to comfortably teach others of the opposite gender than a lover/worshipper of one? In turn, I also feel having homosexuals teaching their gender about their bodies and orgasms. As we are all aware of the underlining shame involved with our bodies and sexuality that all sexual preferences have to overcome. The advantage I believe that a homosexual sex educator has is the ability to overcome societal pressures and stigma sooner. Something we can all benefit from.


Society Examples

Lately, I have been enjoying the new format for Chick Literature, aka modern-day romance. Which involves more realistic sex scenes and an evenness of both sexes’ pleasure. I also find better quality in television shows and movies depicting modern sexual encounters. Hopefully, it to influence and teach the next generations about healthy and equally satisfying sexual experiences.

The sexual imagery of old does not work as well as it did before the internet. Females are better equipped with a truer understanding of the female orgasm and how to work with their partners to achieve them. Recently I realized while watching Bridgerton, on Netflix, about the changing male sexual development over the years. When young men showed interest in sex, they attended a brothel to engage in sexual education but now they use porn.

I do not know if this is a dysfunctional way of thinking, but I believe females are luckier to know that their male companions might not be as sexually educated as them anymore. As it is, the current society’s expectation of both sexes is to stay monogamous during a relationship with only masturbation for extra sexual release. Which I feel is a good thing and much healthier than before.

Live Joy, Renee

When Are Dreams Signs?

When are dreams signs of action? How do I know when I am simply working through my emotions or witnessing a precaution?

Lately, I have been dreaming about an old classmate/co-work, whom I have not seen since 2006. I have tried to recall without any luck if I have any trauma or an emotional event around her. If not, then why do I see her in my dreams?

Source: Pinterest

The main reason I ponder these questions is that I can’t tell the difference between alternate timelines, anxiety dreams or premonitions. The last time I followed a dream vision, the person from high school was fine as far as I know. She was not dying of cancer like my dream scenario made me believe.

This brings me to my current predicament, dreaming about an old co-worker. Who has said, “Hi, Renee” during my waking time and has chatted about work with me. I am starting to believe her presents might be for two reasons. First, she can psychically communicate with me and second, there is anxiety around her from the past.

Presently, she does hold a prestigious role at my first place of employment. A position, I did strive for at my last workplace but fell short of education and experience. Therefore, I must feel envy and jealousy over her achievements, for I too once wanted that job. As if is, I find myself floating around without career direction. Afraid to choose and re-educate myself to start anew.

Dreams: Past and Present

Here is a list of my most popular dreams growing up: being naked, the Leprechaun from the movie, driving without brakes, celebrity crushes trying to commit suicide, using the phone without success, not being able to move normally or faster and being shunned from my friends.

A list of things I dream about now: losing teeth, not being able to fly high enough from danger, hunting and killing vampires, darkness consuming my dream, dark energy connecting to my chakras, wrapping up a shift at work, not remembering how to do my job, past lives, alternative timelines, teaching medical information to ET’s and needing to shower or go to the bathroom without privacy.

Most of the time, I find my dreams full of activity and work. I am always exploring my psyche and educating others in my sleep.

Live Joy, Renee

Comfortable With Sexuality?

Sexuality contains several things: thoughts, feelings, behaviour, attraction, and interactions. Recently, I have been exploring my perceived limits of sexuality and what should it be going forward. I don’t mean in terms of whom I am attracted to, that is already established. As it is, I am exploring my comfort levels with my thoughts, feelings and behaviour towards and around sex. Especially in today’s modern world of changing preferences of physical attraction and sexuality.

Source: The Birds and The Bees

There are tons of shame for both sexes around sex and sexuality. Females are pressured to be like porno stars and males are ashamed to be aroused. We find our core beliefs about sex and attraction failing us, creating lifelong shame and guilt. Affecting the way we form happy and healthy relationships with ourselves and others. While society today changes the conceptions of sexual identification, we also need to adjust all the rest. I feel it’s pretty clear now, not all women and men want to marry and have children or are even responsible for anyone’s heart but themselves.

Sexual Contentment

But if the ideal concept of sexual contentment is wrapped up in a heterosexual marriage, then it must go. First, we need to start with personal love and pleasure. Every individual needs to know and understand their own body and what is pleasurable to them. It’s not just the male trait anymore to masturbate, it is everyone’s responsibility to give themselves an orgasm first.

I believe self-exploration will create a healthy expectation for both males and females. Even contributing by engaging in less risky sex and staying in relationships longer than necessary. Let’s teach our children to be Sex Positive and understand their bodies better than anyone else. That way, they are not depending on their sexual partner to satisfy their every need.

It is impossible to be anyone’s everything, as the saying states: “it takes a village”. And I truly believe that is correct for all situations in life. No one is an isolated island, weathering against the waves of life. We need our parents to create us, then a whole bunch of teachers to learn from and still we need lots of others to fulfill our requirements of Love.

This is true with sexuality. Be in love with yourself. Learn to sexually gratify yourself and when you are ready to share your love, do so with others.

Live Joy, Renee

Power, It’s Yours To Give

Power is yours to give, but also yours to keep. I am talking about the power we let people and situations have over us. Nowadays, we all walk a fine line between respecting authority and giving away our power. Power and influence are a necessity, but who gets to wheel them? We all do, whether it be in a relationship, a family or the work place.

Now I am a feisty one, who loves to push back on authority, especially when I don’t form a personal connection with the people in authority. I don’t know if it’s my natural fire sign traits or an intuition to shake things up. Either way, we all struggle unknowingly with giving away our power or allowing others to lead us.

Source: The Dream Catcher

Our power is how we hold ourselves: how we interact with the world and how we react to others. It’s the invisible hold we have on ourselves and the hold we allow others to have on us. We need to grasp that our opinions are our responsibility and no one focuses on us to have them. But they can unintentionally and at times, intentionally cause us to form core beliefs around them.

In my favourite coming-of-age movie, Labyrinth, there is a young girl named Sarah. Who learns how to claim her power and stop letting others influence her. Through hardships unnumbered, Sarah over-reactions to the changing world and suffers consequences. Throughout the story, Sarah learns how her thoughts and actions directly created her predicaments. In the end, she learns the true meaning of sovereignty and becomes her white knight.

As It Is

That brings me to my reasoning for bringing up this topic. Recently, I find it hard to empathize with others, who express a lack of control over situations. When in reality we do have control, we are in control of how we think, feel and react to the external and internal world. As soon as we all understand and acknowledge our power smoother life will be.

Live Joy, Renee

Have You Received A Download?

The concept of a “psychic download” is becoming more known and commonly used, but what does it mean? Downloads are blocks of information sent directly into your consciousness as a new understanding of knowledge. Having a download has been described: as a ringing in the ear, a dream containing unknown knowledge, body sensations, or a mental picture of symbols/images.

Source: YourTango

Download Origins

Where do these downloads come from? Well, that is a layered answer that starts with your higher self, angles, deceased family members, and ETs and ends with Source. And anything in-between, so how do we know who sent them? Our higher selves sound like our voice/mind, while a family member usually sounds and looks like themselves. While ETs or angles use symbols and images to communicate. That is why, the more earthly knowledge we have in our minds, the easier it is for the spirit side to effectively communicate.

My Experience

I can recognize many different ways in which I experience downloads. Either in my dreams, a ringing in my left ear or a clear knowing of new information. During my dreams, new information is told to me by a person/ET I have not met in real life. After I wake up, I have a true understanding of the new knowledge and how to use it.

During my waking hours, I receive knowledge that a download has occurred with a ringing in my left ear. Which only lasts thirty seconds and is companied by other body sensations; like goosebumps or warmth. The downside is I don’t have the understanding of the knowledge or how to access it.

Some downloads are on the spot and very relevant to my current situation. I am usually unaware that a download has occurred, just that I know something to be true out of the blue. I believe in this instance, the download is the help of someone else. When other people are not connected or listening to their spiritual helpers, then the other side will find a way to convey the message.

Funny Situations

For example, I find myself in the weirdest conversations with people I am not close with and about topics I do not usually talk about. But I get this intense urge to share my take on things, inspire by my discomfort. During these conversations, I can physically see my conversation companion’s demeanour change for the positive. And at the end, I feel a sense of completion or overwhelming positivity.

We all can receive downloads and obtain higher knowledge if we only open ourselves up to it.

Here is a website describing what a download feels like: https://medicinesongwoman.com/spiritual-download-how-to-tell.

Live Joy, Renee