Feminine & Masculine Qualities

Let me lay out what feminine and masculine qualities are and how one acts when they are out of balance. We all have feminine and masculine qualities but for centuries masculine qualities were favoured in a person. Causing the feminine qualities to be buried deep inside; disgraced and even feared. During humanity’s spiritual awakening, we are balancing the scales and inviting the feminine back into our lives. I should also state, that if one can not find the balance within themselves, then it’s logical for one to find a partner who will complement them. Ideally, we need to balance our Yin & Yang in anyway we can.

Throughout my life, feminine and masculine qualities took turns being dominant. As a young child, I was feminine until I started getting teased at school causing my masculine to take over and protect me. I found that the school system and workplace appreciated masculine aspects over the feminine. And it took me until motherhood to find my feminine side again, but not without struggle. Eventually, I resigned from my career to become a stay-at-home parent, and that was when I was able to find a balance between them and recognize when an adjustment was needed.

Let’s List The Healthy Qualities

Feminine Qualities: intuition, nurturing, healing, gentle, expressive, wise, patient, emotional, flexible, receptive, contractive, inward, flowing, listening, community, relationship-oriented, vulnerable, trusting, pleasure-seeking, soft, in tune with the body, creative, feeling, being, heart, right brain.

Masculine Qualities: logic, reason, action, firm, survival, loyal, adventurous, rational, strength, projective, giving, expansive, outward, consciousness, analytical, structure, strategy, goal-oriented, outcome-focused, pushing through, competitive, talking, quick to move on, of the mind, hard, direct, doing, mind, left brain.

Qualities can be substituted for energies, prosperities, traits, and aspects and the word ‘Divine’ may be before feminine/masculine. All these qualities are within every single human. The goal is to keep them balanced to prevent the qualities from becoming distorted or wounded.

Let’s List The Unhealthy Qualities

Distorted Feminine: seductive, hyper-emotional, nagging, validation-seeking, fantasizing, superficial, vengeful, comparing, co-dependent, chasing, submissive, conflict-avoidant, neurotic, victim, powerless, weakness, manipulation, withholding, neediness, over-sensitive, over-giving, people pleasing.

Distorted Masculine: perpetrator, abuse of power, dominance, aggression, controlling, competitive, confrontational, criticism, abuse, avoidance, unsupportive, unstable, withdraws.

There is no need to be ashamed or feel guilty if our feminine/masculine do become distorted. When it happens try to recognize the trigger/cause that wounded you, forcing your subconscious to protect you. Forgive yourself by providing unconditional love to yourself and you will find how quickly your wounded ego will heal, providing the yin & yang balance we all need.

Here is a video from Jen Ward talking about balance: jeninherjammies – Embracing Female Energy

I have created a Tarot Card Spread for reading Divine Energies, for all those who want to try it.

Live Joy, Renee