Let’s Balance Our Chakras!

Balancing our chakras is simple after you have discovered which one is out of balance. Please refers to my earlier post about Chakras on how to determine which chakra centres are not flowing properly. Raising our vibration goes hand and hand with balancing chakras too, read my post about Vibrations.

Lower Chakras

The Root Chakra is associated with the physical body and survival, so it’s only logical that physical activity will balance this chakra. The key is to do an exercise you love, that way the right energy is going into the chakra to get the energy moving again. Exercise, dance, walking, and swimming; all of these activities will benefit the Root Chakra.

The Sacral Chakra is associated with creativity and passion. Get creativity: draw, paint, write, make music, bake, anything that you create will work. As long as you are passionate about it, it can heal you. And yes this means being sexual too if your intention is in the right place.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with self-respect and personal power. Working with them can be tricky, you might need to stand up for yourself or step into your power. Working with the associated body part like the digestive tract might feel simpler. Eat healthily including lots of green vegetables, do a cleanse, or cut out sugar, drugs and alcohol.

The Great Balancer

The Heart Chakra is associated with love and acceptance. This means working on your relationship with yourself and others. Openly love yourself and others, volunteer, or offer up your time to someone. So many people frown upon telling their family and friends they love them, but I say try it. Expressing LOVE freely is the key to the heart, and so is doing what you love and not feeling ashamed of it. Breathing techniques will help greatly too.

Upper Chakras

The Throat Chakra is associated with truth and being authentic. You can exercise this chakra by singing, talking about your truth/feelings, and expressing yourself to others effectively. Living your authentic life and encouraging others to do the same without shame. Writing your thoughts down is very useful in moving energy, like a dream journal or a daily diary.

The Third Eye Chakra is associated with wisdom and insight. Meditation is a great practice for this chakra, also avoiding mind-altering chemicals and heavy metal consumption. Prayer and calming visual techniques will focus on this chakra to help allow the energy to flow freely.

The Crown Chakra is associated with your place in the universe, our connection to the source. Knowing where you fit into the world and your relationship with your source. This chakra overlaps with the third eye; using prayer, worship and chanting.

There are corresponding crystals for each chakra, you can hold them in your hand while meditating, carry them on you throughout your day, or place them under your pillow while you sleep. Your chakra will sync with the vibration of the crystal, helping the energy flow through the chakra.

Reiki energy healing session works great or doing a chakra alignment with a pendulum and some crystals is my favourite. I offer a Chakra Check and Alignment through my Etsy shop.

There are chakra frequencies you can listen to on Youtube, they run about an hour long and go through the whole chakra system.

Live Joy, Renee