Troubles With Claircognizance

I have discussed my problems with my abilities over the past ten years, but now I want to talk about my youth. And therefore the trouble I had in my youth with my claircognizance. I was unaware of my ability to know other person’s thoughts and ideas, so when I did something naughty I did not understand where it came from.

Source: National Science Foundation

I am not trying to make excuses for my actions, I take full responsibility. Because I know if I don’t, I will be creating an energetic imbalance of Karma. What I am saying is, I allowed others’ thoughts and ideas to enter my mind and influence my actions. I can recall this one time when I blurted out to my seventh-grade teacher; “I don’t think so, Vic!” Now Victor was his first name but I did not know that or even cared about the first names of my teachers.

I was a daydreamer and do not pay much attention to what was going on around me. But the classmate sitting behind me did and did not like our teacher. Before that class, I did not back-talk to teachers or disrupt the class. At that time, I did change schools and was exposed to new energies and environments.

Creating A Loving Environment

While before in Catholic school, I thought the overall environment was unhealthy but can see how it was more controlled. I believe incorporating God and good samaritan values into children helps to make the energy and thoughts of these children safe for claircognizance people. Whereas my parents and teachers chalked up my new bad attitude to life changes and having to make new friends.

In hindsight, I can see how the new group of children influenced me and changed the direction of my life. Before, my personality was shy and closed off, then after I became bold and stubborn. I went from being a victim of bullying to disruptive behaviour, all in one year. Unknown to me, I was picking up on others’ thoughts and the thoughts of my classmates were not healthy in this public school.

Currently, I am going through a similar thing with my middle child. They are in a classroom filled with negative energy/thoughts and she can not help but pick them up. Unfortunately, I have not learned to protect myself completely or even recognize when it is not my thought. So I don’t know how I can help her now.

Live Joy, Renee