Telepathic: Your Thoughts Or Mine?

I know this topic may seem far-fetched, but it’s a reality. We all experience moments of mind reading, perfect guessing, and thought matching.

This occurs when we get close to another person. We begin to match each other’s frequencies. With matched vibrations; we can sense moods, and physical pain, and predict actions, and thoughts. This means a connection is made, the ultimate goal in relationships. The connection may not always be constant, but when it happens it can deepen any relationship. Great Minds Think Alike.

It’s always fun when new acquaintances state; “You just read my mind” or “I was just thinking that, are you psychic?” Followed by a stunned look for saying out loud what they were just thinking.

My favourite example is from four years ago before I accepted my ability as reality. We were playing Liars Dice with friends and I was good at calling out liars and eliminating participants. One friend was stumped by me, for he know by my constant questioning that I did not understand the rules. He kept trying to predict my plays and see if I was counting dice. To his amazement, after he was eliminated by me, I was eliminated by my husband. It was clear that my telepathic ability could only take me so far in the game when my husband my actual skill level. Haha.

When It Works Against Me

Another time at work, I did the most unthinkable thing. I asked a female coworker, whom I was not familiar with if she was pregnant. I had the most overwhelming feeling she was, even though she was not showing symptoms. She said no and was upset with me. I felt so embarrassed and betrayed by my intuition.

It’s hard for me to know the difference between my thoughts and others. This is when discernment comes into play. If a thought just ‘pops’ into your head without context, then it might not be yours.

We have thought patterns which are created by our core beliefs and filters. Spontaneous thoughts with no background information should be a red flag when around others.

When spirit contacts us through thought, they usually do it when we are alone. Like during meditation or in the bathroom and usually not when we are involved in a conversation with others. It takes time to learn the difference and trust your instincts.

Clairsentient or Empathic, this link explains the difference and some signs to see if you are. Here is a Gigi Young video on How to Deal With Being An Empath.

Live Joy, Renee