Our Connections With Our Pets

We all love our pets. We feel the ultimate connection to them, sometimes we read their minds and at other times they know how we feel.

Ever wondered why?

I believe our pets are an extension of our souls. They are the part of ourselves that we either: needed more of or needed to be separate from. Our emotions are what I am talking about. I feel they are capable of holding our emotions for us. Whether we are lacking them or overflowing with them. Their chakra system takes on our emotions and tries to filter them out so we don’t have to.

Source: Quote Master


My dog Gingie, passed away last year from a large growth in her abdomen (Solar Plexus). When she passed, I felt my Compassion expanding in my heart chakra. As if she was holding some of my compassion for me until I was able to carry it for myself. I also believe her growth was intended for me, but she choose to take on my heavy emotions. I use to have IBS, but now my Solar Plexus is balanced. Her unconditional love for me helped keep me healthy. She also filled up my LOVE TANK when my day-to-day life drained me.

Another example is of a family member whose dog had throat cancer and she, herself has a closed Throat Chakra every time I check. I believe her dog took on her extra Throat energy. But through medical intervention and repeated Chakra Checks and Alignments of her owner, the dog is okay. When my family member became aware of my theory, she was more careful of her emotions in her Throat Chakra.

How To Help Them

  • Clear and balance your own chakras frequently.
  • Beware of your emotions when around them. Try not to be too high or too low.
  • Talk about your emotions with them. Tell them they do not need to take on your emotions.
  • Let them love/help you in what ever way they see fit. If they ask for a walk just after a hard day at work, trust them and do it.
  • You can use your own light/energy to clear and balance their chakras. Look it up and give it a try.
  • Cherish every moment with them. Their lives are short but packed with a lot of love for you.

Live Joy, Renee