The Christ Consciousness

With Christmas only a month away, I wanted to talk about Christ and what it means to me. I was born Roman Catholic and Christmas used to represent the birth of Jesus to me. Now, the scientist in me knows that date is inaccurate, so why is society still celebrating the winter season as we do?

Source: The Guardian

This can be a complicated answer involving the takeover of another’s sacred/holy days. Or the short answer, about the Winter Solstice. Celebrated by many people, to mark the shortest day of the year. In which, the longest darkness occurs. I can see how in the darkest hour, people would need the hope of light. And the promise of Light comes with the birth of a child holding the Christ Consciousness.

Christ Consciousness is said to be from the 12 Dimension and located in the SUN. This dimension is filled with Light Beings, all who have achieved Christ Consciousness. The energy of the SUN represents a lot to our cultures, some believe it is our creator, our source of energy and Love.

If the Sun is the Father of all creation on Earth, then Gaia is our Mother (Mother Earth). She is where our physical matter comes from and the Sun gives us our energy, our spark of life. In the image above, we see sun-like circles around Jesus, Mary and Joseph’s heads to indicate their 12th Dimension consciousness.

Achievable or Not

All the links attached to the words Christ Consciousness are three different links about it. There are many overlapping truths about Christ Consciousness, but one is more important than the others. We need to understand if the 12D is achievable here on Earth.

If we were aligned with Christ Consciousness, we would not need to reincarnate. We would have already learned all the lessons, that we came down to Earth to learn. We’re not meant to achieve this level of consciousness in an Earthly lifetime. We are imperfect by plan and Christ Consciousness is an explain of what we are aiming to achieve.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

When I say Merry Christmas, I am reminding others of this amazing concept of Christ Consciousness. In hopes to spread Love throughout the dark days of Winter and uplift our spirits.

Live Joy, Renee

When Spirits Visit

I have had many encounters with the spirit world during the time between wake and dream or 2-4 am. The witching hour is also a common term used to describe when non-physical beings can be seen and heard.

Source: Gaia

I have seen a tall ancestral First Nations man, spiders dangling over my head, and I have felt my right foot squeezed. In my mind’s eye, I could see my baby playing with her great-grandfather and bright Angels looking down into her crib. I believe I have witnessed the Christ Consciousness, with all its bright, vibrating colours.

Some of these events have frightened me, which can draw other dark and negative beings to me. If this happens to you, just fill yourself with Love and higher vibrations. This allows us to hear and see the higher realms easier. The higher dimensions are where the other side is, our loved ones, Angles and Light Beings.

As I lightly sleep or just wakened is when I usually encounter spirits. They can’t harm you, it’s just your fear you are fighting.

Once, I asked some Light Beings to come and help alleviate my pelvic pain. Instantly, I felt tingling and my discomfort was gone. Spirit does want to help. All you need to do is call upon them.

Not Saviours

But, don’t think they are going to do all the work for you or be your saviour. Spirit is known to inspire, give information and will only intervene when your free will has changed your soul’s plan badly.

Our Celestial Ancestors want to help. Because when they help you, they are also helping themselves. That works for us down here on Earth too. If you need help with something, just start helping another with the same problem. It doesn’t matter if you know how to fix or help, just do what you can and the answer to your problem will come to you.

Next time you get a visitor, try to stay come and enjoy it.

Live Joy, Renee

The Apparitions Before Me

Hi All, I just wanted to share my ghost stories with you. To me, ghosts were a scary word. It came with lots of creepy feelings and terror due to movies and TV. But when I experienced an apparition first hand, I called the Police and they followed up on my report. Haha

Maternity Patient

After picking up my child from school three years ago. It was a hot day and I was driving down a hilly street. A woman in a hospital gown was walking uphill, in the opposite direction. She was barefoot with short black hair and she was carrying a pink baby bundle. As I looked for a spot to park, to ask her if she needed help, the street parking was full and I could not stop.

I quickly drove home and called the non-emergency Police number. I told them exactly what I say and said she must have wandered far from the hospital that was located at the bottom of the hill. An hour and a half later the Police called me back, saying they could not find the woman. They asked if I was sure she was wearing a hospital gown. Assuring the Police she was since I wore them three times myself when giving birth. She was wearing one as a gown and another as a coat.

When I think back to that moment, it is in a tunnel view of sorts. It occurred to me she was squinting into the sunlight even though the sun was behind her and the bundle was fully covered. I didn’t actually see a baby girl. Since no missing patients were reported, the Police ended their single-car search. I felt silly for calling the Police on an apparition of a woman, who died in childbirth.


My Realization

I realized she was a ghost. A shadow of a human trapped in a tragic moment of dying in childbirth or something like it. Later that day, I asked my pendulum about the women. Spirit wanted me to see a ghost, to prove to me that I can relate to them. I was not scared of her, but I could not tell the difference between real and fake.

A couple of months later, I encountered her again. This time she was dressed in a dated thick sweater and pants. She was standing on the corner at a four-way stop on the same street, just a few blocks down the hill. To me, it looked like she was deciding on which way to go. She kept squinting into the sunlight again, pointing in different directions. But none of the other vehicles were waiting for her, only me. Then I remembered no one can see her but me. I should note, she was standing on the corner of the two cemeteries in my city.

Once again, I quickly parked my car at home but this time I run to the corner to see her. She was gone. I didn’t call the Police this time, for there was no reason to. I really hope she found the Light this time and crossed over to the other side.

All experiences are neutral, it’s our perception that gives it a positive or negative feeling.

Live Joy, Renee

Pilates – My New Passive Meditation

This is my new favourite passive mediation to do. It’s only been two weeks, but every day I find that my mind and body are clear and connected. I usually do all my blog writing after a 30-minute lesson.

What I love about pilates is the combination of breathing and muscle contractions. I can feel my chakras aligning and the energy vibrating through me. All I have to do is look up 30 minute pilates video on Youtube and go.

Source: My Fitness Planner

There are videos for all the different levels of experience. So if you feel like going easy or pushing yourself harder, you can. I have tried yoga and meditation, but they just didn’t work for my energetic body.

After two weeks, I can feel my body having more stretch. I can lift my children without aches or pains and I can hold them longer. With pilates, you do get to perform yoga moves to open up your chakras.

Everyone is different, so if you have tried other mindful activities without loving it. Go ahead and try pilates. There is stretching, resting moments for deep breathing, and muscle contractions. All in small, manageable increment.

Live Joy, Renee

Our Connections With Our Pets

We all love our pets. We feel the ultimate connection to them, sometimes we read their minds and at other times they know how we feel.

Ever wondered why?

I believe our pets are an extension of our souls. They are the part of ourselves that we either: needed more of or needed to be separate from. Our emotions are what I am talking about. I feel they are capable of holding our emotions for us. Whether we are lacking them or overflowing with them. Their chakra system takes on our emotions and tries to filter them out so we don’t have to.

Source: Quote Master


My dog Gingie, passed away last year from a large growth in her abdomen (Solar Plexus). When she passed, I felt my Compassion expanding in my heart chakra. As if she was holding some of my compassion for me until I was able to carry it for myself. I also believe her growth was intended for me, but she choose to take on my heavy emotions. I use to have IBS, but now my Solar Plexus is balanced. Her unconditional love for me helped keep me healthy. She also filled up my LOVE TANK when my day-to-day life drained me.

Another example is of a family member whose dog had throat cancer and she, herself has a closed Throat Chakra every time I check. I believe her dog took on her extra Throat energy. But through medical intervention and repeated Chakra Checks and Alignments of her owner, the dog is okay. When my family member became aware of my theory, she was more careful of her emotions in her Throat Chakra.

How To Help Them

  • Clear and balance your own chakras frequently.
  • Beware of your emotions when around them. Try not to be too high or too low.
  • Talk about your emotions with them. Tell them they do not need to take on your emotions.
  • Let them love/help you in what ever way they see fit. If they ask for a walk just after a hard day at work, trust them and do it.
  • You can use your own light/energy to clear and balance their chakras. Look it up and give it a try.
  • Cherish every moment with them. Their lives are short but packed with a lot of love for you.

Live Joy, Renee