The Christ Consciousness

With Christmas only a month away, I wanted to talk about Christ and what it means to me. I was born Roman Catholic and Christmas used to represent the birth of Jesus to me. Now, the scientist in me knows that date is inaccurate, so why is society still celebrating the winter season as we do?

Source: The Guardian

This can be a complicated answer involving the takeover of another’s sacred/holy days. Or the short answer, about the Winter Solstice. Celebrated by many people, to mark the shortest day of the year. In which, the longest darkness occurs. I can see how in the darkest hour, people would need the hope of light. And the promise of Light comes with the birth of a child holding the Christ Consciousness.

Christ Consciousness is said to be from the 12 Dimension and located in the SUN. This dimension is filled with Light Beings, all who have achieved Christ Consciousness. The energy of the SUN represents a lot to our cultures, some believe it is our creator, our source of energy and Love.

If the Sun is the Father of all creation on Earth, then Gaia is our Mother (Mother Earth). She is where our physical matter comes from and the Sun gives us our energy, our spark of life. In the image above, we see sun-like circles around Jesus, Mary and Joseph’s heads to indicate their 12th Dimension consciousness.

Achievable or Not

All the links attached to the words Christ Consciousness are three different links about it. There are many overlapping truths about Christ Consciousness, but one is more important than the others. We need to understand if the 12D is achievable here on Earth.

If we were aligned with Christ Consciousness, we would not need to reincarnate. We would have already learned all the lessons, that we came down to Earth to learn. We’re not meant to achieve this level of consciousness in an Earthly lifetime. We are imperfect by plan and Christ Consciousness is an explain of what we are aiming to achieve.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

When I say Merry Christmas, I am reminding others of this amazing concept of Christ Consciousness. In hopes to spread Love throughout the dark days of Winter and uplift our spirits.

Live Joy, Renee