Crown Chakra Into Universal Oneness

The Crown Chakra is the last of the major centres in the body and I find it is the most ignored too. It does not come down to if you believe in God or not. This chakra connects us to the Universal and how we fit into All There Is.

When we experience loneliness, we are really feeling disconnected to All There Is. When I realized that I am part of a bigger picture, I finally felt real connection to the world around me. No one needs to find religion to balance this chakra. All we need to understand is how we fit into this world. And that can be what ever feels right to you.

Once we have opened and balanced the whole chakra system, we can start to experience how God wants us to live. Our energetic system should be a strong column of pure light, from the crown of our heads to our feet.

Our chakra system does go beyond our physical bodies, right into the Earth and straight up into the sky. There is more to learn and explore if we are feeling up to the challenge. The Crown Chakra is where the life force enters our system, also known as Reiki. Through the opening and balancing of this chakra, we allow for more life force to flow through us. And therefore get to enjoy expansion and connection like never before.

Learning Reiki also gives us a better understanding of our system and how energy flows and works inside us. Energy is all around us and when we learn to understand it and work with it, we will truly be creators of our reality.

Live Joy, Renee