My Experience With QHHT

QHHT stands for quantum healing hypnosis technique created by Dolores Cannon. It is a deep trance that connects with the subconscious to get answers about current lifetime issues. A QHHT practitioner can help to discover the truth; whether the answer comes from a past life, in-between life, or another world.

The image below is a list of all the wonderful abilities our subconscious mind can do. It is truly the best resource to go to when we need help.

Source: Impactful Changes Hypnosis

QHHT can help with all the issues listed below and then some. When we find ourselves in an unbreakable pattern that we wish to end, a QHHT session might have all the answers tucked away in the subconscious. As I have explained before about Karma or life planning, we choose to bring forward a past-life lesson again, to experience it from a different angle.

Source: Michelle Pearce

For Christmas, I asked to have a QHHT session to find answers to my questions. Questions I have asked psychics many times and in many different ways. Never fully satisfied with the answers. I am stubborn, I know.

In the past, I believed hypnosis would not work on me. That somehow my will was too strong to go under hypnosis. But ever since I began meditating, I have changed my opinion. Because I am able to receive visions all the time; sleep or awake.

My QHHT Session

We set the intention before we began that I would allow myself to experience what ever I experience. She put me under at the normal time and I started to describe the image in my mind’s eye without trouble.

I was a little girl with a developmental disorder. Whose mother had died at an early age and I was left to be raised by nannies and maids by my father. I was home-schooled and not allowed to play with other children. Even though I wanted to try to play with others. I felt content inside my world, but sad about being isolated from my father.

As my subconscious was accessed, my eyes were blinking rapidly and my body had the sensation of being inside my physical body and just above it. My subconscious showed me that lifetime to explain the contrast between my life now. Which is full of family and people who love me. Even though, at times I feel isolated and misunderstood.

That lifetime helped me to understand that loneliness is a choice. A choice that I did not have to choose anymore. Last lifetime I was unable to make really meaningful connections due to my disability. But now, only I stand in my way.

Feeling blessed by the experience, I am happy I did it.

Live Joy, Renee