Law Of Gender (Masculine/Feminine)

The Law Of Gender states that everything is made with both Masculine and Feminine energies, period. In a previous post, I discussed this topic, but I did not make a connection to Universal Laws.

In society today, we decided a gender can only have one or the other. Causing us to reject a whole half of ourselves. As it is, we have both Masculine and Feminine qualities and it’s important to embrace them all.

Source: Voices of Youth

This Law Of Gender is embedded in all aspects of the human form. We have the right side of our body being governed by Masculine (left brain) energy and the Left side of our body being governed by Feminine (right brain) energy.

Even the Charka System has Masculine and Feminine centres and they are to be balanced just as much as our two energies. Also on our Birth Charts, we have the Sun representing Masculine energy and the Moon representing Feminine energies and which are working on us throughout our lives.

The Benefits

Understanding how these two energies/traits interact and work for OR against us can give us great insight into our behaviours. We can use them to find compatible/balanced relationship matches in friends, lovers or business partners. We will understand our children better and why we work or don’t work with our parents. The sky is the limit on how we can use this information to our advantage.

In using this Law, we can better understand our own emotions and why we might be hurt. The image above lists wounded traits of Masculine and Feminine energies. Furthermore, all we have to do to balance them out is embrace the opposite trait.

Embracing both our Masculine and Feminine sides can be as simple as acceptance or as complex as Shadow Work/Inner Child Healing.

In conclusion, let us all acknowledge these two separate but compatible energies in our daily lives. Have acceptance for all the diverse traits we possess and feel free to express them.

Live Joy, Renee