Our Souls Blueprint and The Stars

Also known as a Natal Birth Chart, involves using your full name, birthday, time of birth, and birth location. With the combination of astrology and numerology, a free online site can generate your chart in no time. After, I did need to copy and paste my report into a document that I could save and/or print. That way I can make notes and highlight important information.

When our soul lowers its vibration into the physical world, it passes through certain celestial bodies creating a birth chart through the stars. This is thrilling to me and so amazing that our soul purposely passes through star systems to gain their properties for its personality traits. This includes our strengths, weaknesses, physical attributes, and challenges we choose to face.

Source: Twitter

A natal chart also tells us what to look out for, and what troubles may be coming your way. It lets you know your character strengths so you can utilize them to your advantage. For a real bonus, it offers guidelines for those who don’t know what they want to do with their lives. Your weaknesses are noted to help you avoid conflict or correct them before they handicap you in life. Careers that best suit you are suggested. You don’t need to do them, just use them as examples of the skills you possess.

Charting Relationships

The chart explains how you are in relationships; ones with family and friends. It talks about how your romantic relationship will be and how your partner can best support you. For friends and co-workers, it talks about your positive and negative attributes when mixed with other zodiac signs. This soul blueprint is truly an amazing tool for this incarnation.

Have you ever wondered why your horoscope did not match your life situation or personality? That is because we have many influences like the Sun, the Moon, and all the other planets in our solar system affecting us. For me, Aries is my Sun sign (masculine side), while Leo is my Moon sign (feminine side). Now depending on how balanced my masculine/feminine sides are, I might be pulled towards one side more than the other. Causing me to be more like a Leo than an Aries.

Mostly, it lets you know about the most likely perception you will have about your life. Using your free will, you can deviate from your soul plan. Please don’t worry if they are not exact, just use what you can to better your life and be your authentic self.

Birth Charts 101 is a website explaining soul blueprints in greater detail.

Live Joy, Renee