Are Women Attracted To A**holes?

I think we should start with why the Nice Guys give away their friendliness too much. Causing women to wonder how to tell when we are special, the one they prefer or are interested in. When a Nice Guy dishes out smiles and compliments to everyone he sees, how am I to know I Am The One?

Source: My Corner Of Life & Reviews

Now don’t get me wrong Nice Guys are my jam or to be more correct the kind of guy, who is still friends with his parents. In the past, I have had many miscommunications because a Nice Guy was just nice to me. Which does not give me any more information other than what I can already see with my own eyes. Nice Guys need to back it up with something more, something tangible. Like expressing their feelings to us or reserving some of that niceness for just the person they love.

That way clueless women like me, will know how different and special you act towards us.

As discussed in a past post about Love and Hate, the similarities are close. They are on the same scale with indifference in the middle, which is the real opposite of Love. As for our love of Assholes, if we can transmute their Hate energy into Love energy then we would experience some tremendous affection and passion between us.

There Are Dicks Everywhere

Let’s address the elephant in the room about women falling for assholes. Because we don’t like every asshole we encounter, there are too many of them and not enough of us to go around. We do not fall in love with every dick we meet, it’s not feasible. So Nice Guys, please stop thinking and telling women that they always go for assholes because we don’t. What we do like is confidence, boldness, preciseness, humour, expressiveness, and kindness.

The problem is some Nice Guys are also timid, quiet, and shy, let others walk all over them, won’t express what they want, and are people, pleasers. What women want is a man who has the qualities of both a Nice Guy and an Asshole. A man who is kind, gentle, strong physically, mentally and emotionally. An all-around awesome and sweet man, who makes sure we know how special we are to them.

Live Joy, Renee