Physical Releasing Of Energy

Over the past month or two, I have been participating in light language healing from Althea Lucrezia‘s videos. She offers a lot of free content on her YouTube channel and also one-on-one healing through her website. I have heard about light language before and I was unaffected by it until hearing Althea as the medium.

Source: Light Language Healing

After watching her interview with The International Spiritual News Network on YouTube, I am intrigued. Not only is her bright red hair fetching like Disney’s Ariel, but it is lovely to hear the light language through her accent. What makes her light language channelling different is that she also includes hand gestures to increase effectiveness.

Through her videos, I have learned about the physical release of stagnant energy. Whether it be: sneezing, yawning, burping, coughing, shivering or passing gas. These are all physical signs of energy moving through our bodies/chakra system. Which is very important to know when you do energy work or shadow work. The energy needs to move somehow and if it is not through conscious release, it will need to up through subconscious actions.

Another Healing Modality

Light language is just another layer to energy healing. It comes from light beings at a higher vibration when we, humans in 3D. Their goal is to help us grow out of karma and into a higher frequency. To enjoy Sources’ Love and Light and live as one. The best way to engage with them is to simply ask for their guidance and healing. They like to appear to us as balls of bright light within our mind’s eyes or our dreams.

People have commented on their loving, bright energy and non-physical form. They also use symbols to communicate, whether it be sacred geometry or unfamiliar shapes and writing. Once you have accepted inter-dimensional beings into your reality, it’s not hard to imagine these beautiful beings too.

Live Joy, Renee