When Dreams Turn Bad

There is a noticeable threshold when a lower entity is taking control of your dream. I am observing a pattern in my dreams and with my partners over the last two years.

Source: Sleep Cycle

When my dreams take a turn for the worst, I get a feeling that something isn’t right. My conscious mind takes over and analyzes the situation and if I am lucky, I speak out about the wrongness. At that moment I take my power back, the power to control the dream. If I don’t realize what is happening in time the darkness takes over and I wake up in a panic.

By that time the entity has won because it triggered my Fight and Flight hormonal response. This hormonal response is a very powerful energy source, believe it or not. And the lower entities’ ultimate goal is to create fear and panic. It is similar to the movie Monsters Inc., where they collect fear from children to fuel their city.

As I see it, when a being separates itself from All There Is, they are deprived of that constant energy. Of course, being separate from Source is just an illusion powerful enough that we manifest into your reality. In the best case, we connect with the entity with love and compassion and send them back to the Light.

My Dream Scenarios

Most of my dreams that involve influence from lower entities, who need to live off of my energy start two ways. Either through sexual arousal or fear-based situations. For fear based situations, usually involves a threat of home invasion or a group of young people getting aggressive. When this happens I feel like I need to police them or get them to listen to me. Even though they have not done anything wrong. I eliminate the threat by not engaging with them and not looking out my window in worry.

As for the other, I am tipped off that it is not a good dream because it is with people I am not attracted to in real life. When I clue in something is not right in my dream about sexual attraction, I pull back. My actions usually infuriate the entity and the sexy male turns angry and aggressive. At this moment, I speak out, declare my sovereignty and regain control of my dream. In the end, I still woke up but with the satisfaction of the win.

Live Joy, Renee

Let’s Use Crystals In Our Water

Disclaimer: I am not a Medical Doctor or a Scientist. Please double-check before putting any crystal into your drinking water.

After doing my research into drinking water-safe crystals, I do believe there is false information out there. I found crystal-infused water bottles or crystal-filter water bottles using crystals that are pores or contain heavy minerals. I would not use them unless they are crystals from the Quartz family.

Now there is a difference between water safe for cleansing crystals, water safe for bathing with crystals and drinking water-safe crystals. As it is there are some factors we need to consider before infusing our drinking water with healing crystals.

We should only use non-pores crystals without any toxic minerals that might leach out into the drinking water. But crystal-infused water can be accomplished by placing a crystal beside the water for a minimum of 30 minutes.

Safe for Drinking Water

Therefore the Quartz family is the best crystal to put into our drinking water. We do need to gently wash them before putting them in our drinking water or bath.

There is: Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Rutilated Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, Carnelian, Black Obsidian, Aventurine, Jasper, Shungite.

Source: Healthline

Toxic Minerals & Dissolvable’s

Certain crystals will dissolve in liquid and need to be kept dry. And some crystals leach out heavy minerals which can cause toxic levels in your body. Do not use any crystals that contain: Lead, Iron, Copper, Asbestos or Aluminum. Such as Tiger’s Eye, Lapis Lazuli and Pyrite. Also dissolvable in water or pores crystals like Selenite and Fluorite.

We can use crystals that contain heavy minerals in our bath water though, but I would still be careful.

Source: Pinterest

Safety first is my motto and cleaning any crystal before placing it into your drink water is good practice. Another use for crystal-infused water is for your house plants, garden or soil. All life forms will benefit from the energy balancing that crystal-infused water provides.

Live Joy, Renee

Speak Up, Out & Truth

Speak Up, Speak Out and Speak Truth!

This motto came to me last night in the time between meditation and sleep. I am glad to remember it again since I feel like it is monumental to my beingness. It is my way of life and helps me to realize that I do not need to feel shame or make excuses.

Source: SparkVision

Our Authentic Self is personally handed pick and curated by our Souls on the Other Side before incarnating. Our souls take into consideration all the positions of the celestial bodies at the time of our birth. They purposefully use the strengths and weaknesses of each star that our soul passes through to get to Earth.

With the balancing of our Sun and Moon signs, our personality is sculpted into the amazing person we are meant to be. To accomplish all the great lessons and karma balancing your soul needs to move into a higher vibration. Not only are there checks and balances in your birth chart, but also the people around us.

My Life Example

As an Arias and the sign of Fire, I have two major traits: passion and anger. This is why I am surrounded by my partner who is an Earth sign to anchor me to the ground. My first two children are Water signs to cool my temper and help me go with the flow. And my last child is an Air sign to help move my focus around so I do not get stuck.

I am very grateful for the aid I receive to control the strong personality traits I gave myself. My Ego is strong enough to run my life if I did not have my humbling upbringing. Being Authentic comes easy to me, but fitting in with others is hard. I am starting to understand why that is.

Earth is a planet of mingled energies. Because we came from single-minded cultures, who decided to make Earth their new home. We learned to love each other and find common ground in our values. I think we all struggle with the hive mind of some of our original races and the separation we have now as humans.

Fortunately, our planet is fiercely protected for the amazing experience it provides to a soul.

Live Joy, Renee

Free Will And The Bigger Picture

The Bigger Picture is a contract between the Source, a soul, and all other souls involved. It is a huge living web of connections and probabilities. It heads in all directions from every decision we make or can make. Some of our decisions lead to the same outcome while others turn our lives upside down. There is no right or wrong way to live, just experiences and our soul welcomes them all.

Source: ACLU

This concept applies to and is not limited to Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice. Every soul including a baby enters into this 3D existence knowing all the possibilities and the probabilities. The baby soul also knows that there will be exit points. These exit plans are in case the Free Will of the mother changes the baby’s soul’s options. When a mother chooses to abort, it can either means that is what the baby/mother wants to experience. Or that the mother has changed her mind and now the baby’s soul will have a backup mother ready to go.

All souls find a way to complete their life tasks. Our souls have unlimited lifetimes and all the families in the world to choose from when coming to Earth. If you are Pro-Life, that means you have made pre-life and living decisions to grow whatever baby comes your way. While Pro-Choice people have chosen pre-life to experience abortions or miscarriages to help the two souls grow.

How I Choose To Use My Free Will

I have also been Pro Choice even though I have never needed to exercise my right to do so. After my QHHT session, I now know what drove me to be Pro-Choice. For in a past life, I was a mentally disabled child, who was not allowed to interact with the world. I have also chosen to get my fallopian tubes tied to notify the Universe I am done hosting new souls.

So whatever your choice is please allow others to have their own. We all manage our karma, therefore there is no need to make choices for other people. In the bigger picture, all souls know what they are doing. And we can never know what past-life or current life situations are influencing their decisions.

Live Joy, Renee

What Our Physique Says About Trauma

In spirituality, there is an index of all health-related issues and their spiritual meaning. I love reading these lists because I can always find similarities between the lists. And sometimes differences, when this happens I use my intuition to figure out what works best for my situation. Below are a few lists I have found to use as references.




Source: Be in Health

What I would like to focus on is where we carry our extra weight and what that says about us.

  • Those who have issues with their fathers, carry extra weight in their thighs.
  • People who have issues with their mothers. carry extra weight in their upper arms.
  • People who feel they needed protection from the world/others, carry extra weight in their stomach.
  • and so on.

So just by looking at someone’s appearance, we can see where their issues/traumas lie. For we all have a choice to look at ourselves and decide if we want to change. Doing Inner Child Work and Shadow Work will help to identify our traumas and give us a chance to adjust our Core Beliefs.

Just because we lived our lives one way for so long, does not mean we can not choose something different for our present. As it is when we try to go around our issues and get liposuction or diet or exercise the extra weight off, without going the inner work. We end up failing or reverting to what once was.

My Personal Struggle

I too failed at this, when I performed Cool Sculpting on my back. That weight is there for a reason so until I dig deep and get real with myself the weight will continue to come back. Causing me self-image problems. I am also working on loving myself as I am because when I can do that manifesting weight loss will become easier.

Live Joy, Renee