What Our Physique Says About Trauma

In spirituality, there is an index of all health-related issues and their spiritual meaning. I love reading these lists because I can always find similarities between the lists. And sometimes differences, when this happens I use my intuition to figure out what works best for my situation. Below are a few lists I have found to use as references.




Source: Be in Health

What I would like to focus on is where we carry our extra weight and what that says about us.

  • Those who have issues with their fathers, carry extra weight in their thighs.
  • People who have issues with their mothers. carry extra weight in their upper arms.
  • People who feel they needed protection from the world/others, carry extra weight in their stomach.
  • and so on.

So just by looking at someone’s appearance, we can see where their issues/traumas lie. For we all have a choice to look at ourselves and decide if we want to change. Doing Inner Child Work and Shadow Work will help to identify our traumas and give us a chance to adjust our Core Beliefs.

Just because we lived our lives one way for so long, does not mean we can not choose something different for our present. As it is when we try to go around our issues and get liposuction or diet or exercise the extra weight off, without going the inner work. We end up failing or reverting to what once was.

My Personal Struggle

I too failed at this, when I performed Cool Sculpting on my back. That weight is there for a reason so until I dig deep and get real with myself the weight will continue to come back. Causing me self-image problems. I am also working on loving myself as I am because when I can do that manifesting weight loss will become easier.

Live Joy, Renee