ADHD: A Lesson In Priorities

As I research ADHD, I notice others around me with the same symptoms. For instance, my partner loves procrastinating on time-consuming tasks and wastes time complaining about it. My partner also takes on other’s crises; when people are in trouble they will drop everything to help them. I have just learned that people with ADHD have a hard time prioritizing crises and will consider anyone’s needs important.

This should not be the case. Everyone should have a Top Ten Priority list of the important people in their lives. This list should include partners, children, best friends, and family members. Now these are the people who deserve your attention. We make time during our busy days for them because we love them and prioritize them as such. This list is a great strategy for everyone, but especially people with ADHD.

Top Ten List

Don’t sweat, if you find someone you love, not making your Top Ten list. It does not mean you love them any less, it is just that people with ADHD have a limited attention span and need to prioritize. What surprised me was my list and the lack of prioritizing my partner. I did not put them at the top of my list, I decided to put my three children. Then I started to think why I put my partner low on my list and what that said about our relationship.

I also did not put my parents or my siblings on my list. Which led me to realize that I have been neglecting them for years. There are a few friendships that I have allowed to fade away because they ran their course. But I see now that might have been my coping mechanism for my ADHD.

Today I reached out to my family doctor about getting evaluated for ADHD, so an update to follow.

Live Joy, Renee