The Spiritually Transient

Lately, this has been an issue for me, while I learn and go with my spiritual awakening and adapt new core beliefs.

Once a rigid and stubborn individual, I know try to practice neutrality and be watchful of what I manifest in my reality. I try to avoid manifesting negative outcomes through my thoughts, feelings, words, and actions.

Source: The Resilience Institution

This has become a hiccup in my relationships. I try to explain that I am constantly growing and changing to better my understanding of how the Universe works. While others feel they do not need that Universal understanding to live a good life. Now I know that is true for some, just not for me. As a result, I come off as un-responsible, and unpredictable, and appear to have a lack of commitment.

I am finding it hard to understand how others perceive me. But I still need to consider their point of view for a more well-rounded experience. Through open communication and asking others to read/review some of the spiritual material, I feel I am working through it. When creating a new you to best match your authentic self, you need to communicate your feelings and thoughts.

Like my spiritual growth, this too might be a continual journey. Or I might come out the other side with different views altogether. Who knows what the future holds for me? I hope it is peaceful and filled with joy.

Below is great advice from Teal Swan. Her numerous video explains all types of relationship issues, not only with others but with yourself too.

Things To Ponder

Non Reactivity (A Doorway For Spiritual Abuse), a Teal Swan video

How To Disappoint People and Live Your Life, another video from Teal Swan but it does not end how you think.

Am I Responsible For How Other People Feel?, a Teal Swan video

Live Joy, Renee