Day-To-Day Life and The Uneasy

What I am referring to are the situations or people who unknowing makes you feel unwell. Whether it be body pain, anxiety, uneasiness, clouded judgement, or an overpowering feeling of emotions.

These are all experiences of influencing energy or the dominant frequency. Either due to our metaphysical protection shield, we put up around ourselves being weak/down or we need to notice how the situation is affecting us.

Source: Inner Workings Of The Soul

The protection shield goes around our whole body, including the aura which is the energetic body. All you need to do is envision an all-encompassing bubble with the intention of it to keep out what is not yours.

You will notice the lack of protection in places where great tragedy has happened and when around a projecting person. Projecting people don’t realize that they are putting their feelings out there, for anyone to pick them up. For example, my daughter has been getting frontal lobe head pain during the last two visits with a certain family member.

Also, good feels can be sent out and we all usually love those physical effects. A protection shield should keep out the bad and let in the good.

The other way is when the inner guidance/spirit is trying to tell you something, like: don’t go down that street today or this person is too toxic right now for you to be around. And the good pull to stay longer in a conversation. It’s not always warning us, it can be alerting us to pay attention because something great is coming around the corner.

Resource Material

Psychic and Spiritual Protection

The next time you feel uneasiness in your life, look around and analyze your surroundings. Look for the source and correct it if need be.

Live Joy, Renee