How To Help Without Helping

When you feel the want or need to help someone, just stop and think first. Most likely the two of you are at different vibrations and/or the other person may be feeling fear. It will be hard for the other person to comprehend your wisdom, if at different vibrations. It also will be difficult for you to understand their troubles, if you have already conquered this fear.

Source: A Conscious Rethink

I am not saying to never help. What I would like to see is people giving the help the other person wants, not what you think they need. At times, we all don’t know what we mean. To grasp understanding, we can ask the Five Whys, to help them get to the core belief affecting their reaction.

We can also bear witness to their pain. That is when you climb down into the trenches with them and let them express themselves in any way they choose. It’s your job to listen, express back to them how they are feeling, and just be with them.

Resource Material:

Brene Brown: The power of vulnerability & Listening to shame are wonderful TED Talks. When I first watched The Power of Vulnerability, it was during an adult learning course to teach adults. I was so moved by her research it motivated me to rethink my shame and how I view others’ shame.

Combining Brene’s research with the knowledge of soul plans and contracts, I do my best to help others without pushing for change. For with every suffering can come great expansion. I don’t want to deny anyone one of their life lessons.

So next time you see someone suffering, you can say Hello or compliment them. Smiles are free and contagious. I have learned this lesson from my youngest daughter, who can make the grumpiest person smile back.

To Help or Not to Help? a video by Teal Swan & a link to a previous post about False Light and being at different vibrations. Can offer a greater understanding of this topic.

Live Joy, Renee