Divination Cards and You

Tarot, oracle, cartomancy and Lenormand are all decks one can use as a divination tool. We can use them to look into the future or help us make the best decision. The one thing we need to remember when using any divination tool is, any reading is just the most probable outcome. Outcomes might change as time goes by and what is correct two years ago, might not be now.

Source: Learn Religions

My History with decks:

As a teenager, I was gifted a traditional Rider-Waite tarot deck. At the time, I had no idea what to do with it. The instructions looked complicated with lots of detail. I tried reading a few times but ended up stopping and feeling defeated.

Then four years ago while purchasing my first crystals, I was asked if I wanted a reading. This Psychic/Medium used: my palm, aura, spirit guides, and oracle cards to read for me. I noticed her deck was beautiful and enticing.

From there, I was on the search for oracle decks and ended up with two. Fascinated with the art of cartomancy, I attended a workshop. Where I learned how to read for others and was able to practice with the other participants. I was able to find easier ways and more intuitive processes to read the cards. In the end, I fell in love with the oracle decks and practiced my ability with family/friends.

As a side note, when starting out it is easier to practice on strangers than people you know. Sometimes your knowledge of them clouds the intuitive reading you are receiving on them. Having a stranger to sit for you makes it easier to determine what is spirit and what your imagination might be trying to force.

In the following year, I went to a different Psychic/Medium, who uses a Lenormand deck. Now, this deck is compact and very diverse. She combined two decks; one for the initial question and then another to expand on a certain card. Eventually, I purchased my deck and enjoyed the simplicity of the meanings. I find it more modern and good for all types of spreads.

After learning about Feminine/Masculine Energies, I created my spread and it works well with all card decks.

How To:

Don’t forget to clear, charge, and set an intention. If there is fear in your heart, it might block your ability to interpret the cards. Here is a link to Pinterest which has many different card spreads.

Live Joy, Renee