Judging Books By Their Covers

And I am not just talking about books. We are all guilty of judging someone by their cover, it’s part of our survival instincts. But why and how are we doing it? Well, there is no surprise the answer is energy.

Source: Grace of the Race

Our intuition is a very powerful tool and everybody has it at their disposal. Whether we connect with it, is another thing. I am guilty of judging books by their covers. I feel the cover sets the tone for the book and if it catches my eye, I will pick it up and read the description on the back. Or if I receive a recommendation to read a book I didn’t like the cover of before, I will give it a second chance and read the back cover.

I feel people are the same way. Their appearance is the cover and the back description is equivalent to having a conversation with them. But a lot of other factors come into play when evaluating people. Not only do we see physical appearances, and non-verbal communication like body language but there is an emotional level, our past experiences/core beliefs and other life experiences.

Emotional Level

Now I know physical appearance and non-verbal communication are self-explanatory. So I would like to focus on emotional levels or the energetic level. Whether we are aware of it or not, we do wear our hearts on our sleeves, our emotional hearts. We unknowingly spend our emotional state in way of energy. People who are sensitive to energy and auras can read your emotions even when you try to hide them.

This is when our core beliefs and past experiences come in to tell us if this person or situation is okay or safe. If we can relate to the person or situation we then choose if we want to continue to interact. As empaths, we get to experience what people are feeling and that can distort the impression we get. I have a daughter, who gets distraught when what a person is feeling does not match what they are saying or doing.

Innately, we all can sense that is not visible, causing miscommunication between family, friends and co-workers. The best way through these discrepancies is to simply inquire or just observe before reacting. To make sure you are interpreting your signals right.

Live Joy, Renee

Are Women Attracted To A**holes?

I think we should start with why the Nice Guys give away their friendliness too much. Causing women to wonder how to tell when we are special, the one they prefer or are interested in. When a Nice Guy dishes out smiles and compliments to everyone he sees, how am I to know I Am The One?

Source: My Corner Of Life & Reviews

Now don’t get me wrong Nice Guys are my jam or to be more correct the kind of guy, who is still friends with his parents. In the past, I have had many miscommunications because a Nice Guy was just nice to me. Which does not give me any more information other than what I can already see with my own eyes. Nice Guys need to back it up with something more, something tangible. Like expressing their feelings to us or reserving some of that niceness for just the person they love.

That way clueless women like me, will know how different and special you act towards us.

As discussed in a past post about Love and Hate, the similarities are close. They are on the same scale with indifference in the middle, which is the real opposite of Love. As for our love of Assholes, if we can transmute their Hate energy into Love energy then we would experience some tremendous affection and passion between us.

There Are Dicks Everywhere

Let’s address the elephant in the room about women falling for assholes. Because we don’t like every asshole we encounter, there are too many of them and not enough of us to go around. We do not fall in love with every dick we meet, it’s not feasible. So Nice Guys, please stop thinking and telling women that they always go for assholes because we don’t. What we do like is confidence, boldness, preciseness, humour, expressiveness, and kindness.

The problem is some Nice Guys are also timid, quiet, and shy, let others walk all over them, won’t express what they want, and are people, pleasers. What women want is a man who has the qualities of both a Nice Guy and an Asshole. A man who is kind, gentle, strong physically, mentally and emotionally. An all-around awesome and sweet man, who makes sure we know how special we are to them.

Live Joy, Renee

Masks Free And All Smiles

It is a delight to be able to show my smile and see others smiling too. Not only do I have all my peripheral vision back which is important when you have little children. But I also can express myself completely with my smile and charm people. I noticed while wearing a mask, I was unable to be my truest self. I am an energy influencer and one of my best assets is my smile.

Source: Phys.org

It has been three days since we have been able to be mask free in public places and I can say it does make a difference. I can feel and physically see what a wonderful influence I have on people with a smile. I feel almost guilty to say, I finally feel like myself again. As I can do my life purpose and be an effective force of positive energy.

How We Communicate

So much of our communication is contributed to Non-verbal Communication. So now, we are all allowed to communicate efficiently once again. I welcome people’s lower half of their faces and wish more people will join us in going mask-less. Being as shameless as I am, I enjoy giving away my smiles more freely than before. Which I feel is a wonderful thing, we can all use more friendly, smiling faces around.

Source: Karico International Inc.

Let’s all join the new trend of smiling to your heart’s content. Do it for the world and your health. I find it fulfilling to see how others react to my smiling face. Also, I enjoy creating a chain reaction of positivity in others’ lives with a smile. My children even get to shine their little lights brighter than ever with their smiles. My youngest has had the hardest time gauging and understanding other people’s reactions without their mouths.

This is a good thing and I welcome the wonderful change.

Live Joy, Renee

Love and Hate: Similar?

I am currently being emotionally triggered by a movie called, The Hating Game. The movie intrigues me so, causing me to watch it twice, buy the novel and read it in three days. I decided to do some research online about the connection between Love and Hate. How our being-ness reacts to them both; on a mental, emotional and physical level.

My favourite explanation is that the emotional reaction of Hate is a betrayal of Love. As we have a love for someone and also feel a negative reaction/emotion at the same time, creating a paradox. Unknowingly, our love emotion causes us to feel guilty about our negative reaction to them. Consequently, we find it hard to hold Love for someone and have any other negative emotions towards them at some time.

Source: DailyVerses.net

It doesn’t help that the world is filled with statements like this bible verse above, which states what Love is not. So when we do feel all the ‘Love Is Not’s, we feel guilt, shame, fear and anger towards ourselves. And we punish ourselves for feeling anything else but Love for that person. What I believe the verses are trying to convey is that LOVE is an energy, a state of being. When we strip away our Ego and physical bodies, our Souls are just pure LOVE and LOVE is the closes feeling/word to describe GOD.

All There Is, Is Love

When we remember what it is like to be All There Is and how it feels to be connected to the Creator, we experience the true meaning of LOVE. Now the opposite of Love is indifference, the lack of concern or Love for something or someone. While Hate is an emotional concentration of Love.

Think of Love as a scale with Love at the top Hate at the bottom and indifference right in the middle. Now let’s consider the Universal Law of Rhythms, for every uplifting vibration there is an equal and opposite down vibration. This is how we experience Love and Hate.

And this is why I am fascinated with this concept. I thought back to all the times I felt real hate for someone and how I felt about them before the negative incident occurred. I did find a betrayal that I experienced from someone I loved. Whether it be a family member, a friend or a crush. As it is, I am going to take responsibility for my hate responses.


A perfect example is a bully from elementary school, who found me on social media and apologized to me. Since we were not friends in school at any point, I did not feel an emotional reaction to his sentiment. And now I know why I am indifferent to him and therefore not permanently affected by his bullying. As for my brother, I need to evaluate where I think the ‘Love Betrayal’ occurred to adjust my thoughts and feelings toward him. Because I don’t think there is anything he can say to me to cause my feelings to change. It is truly a change that needs to happen from within.

Live Joy, Renee

I Am A Writer In Practice

I have decided to spend some well-deserved energy back into writing fiction. Yes, I like to think of myself as a writer. I have many short stories, novelettes and maybe one short novel in the works. Like the writer of the Twilight series, I too get my inspiration from dreams. Go figure right, since I talk about dreaming vividly all the time. Well, they are at times very detailed and long-lasting.

Source: Enchanting Marketing

The fiction I like to write about the most is Romantic Comedies, which happens to be my favourite kind of movie and book genre. I enjoy writing dreams down because they have a way of transcending me back into them. With all the deep colours and vivid emotions, I get to live a different life. I like to think that these special dreams are other lives of mine, here to show me lessons I have learned or still working on.

That is why I feel my stories will be universally helpful to others too. I have noticed a shift in how Romcoms are being made these days. For example I Firefly Lane or Politician, I enjoy how they write their characters. Not only do they have liver problems, but they also have good common sense and are not afraid to change what they are going to have a better life. That is the same example I would like to convey, life is what we make of it and we do have the power to change it.

Why I Keep Writing

Yeah, sure we all come with some baggage. But our baggage is not a life sentence, it is something we can choose to discard. Writing from the heart is something I have been doing since my first poetry about Mother Earth. Though it is riddled with spelling mistakes and poor grammar, I never stopped writing. Mostly because it is for my eyes only, which changed when I needed to write for school.

There I received constructive criticism and confirmation that in fact, my love for the expression of myself is valid. After that, I enjoyed writing poetry for class and liked to find magazine clippings to accompany them. I started many different types of journals and diaries, which most ended up unfinished or defaced. I felt ashamed of my deep emotions and embarrassed I ever felt that way.

Solving Problems One Page At A Time

Writing is a great way to release trapped emotions and when they are out of me, I find it hard to relate to them again. As I am emotionally attached to my stories, I fear the day when I have to show them to the world. My biggest fear is when I become an established author and have to read out loud in front of an audience. My fear of public speaking is very real to me, still, I am confident that when the day comes I will be shy no more.

Writing is like bearing your soul because writers like to write little bits and pieces of themselves into their characters. I know I feel exposed and stripped naked by all the judges when I write. Turns out, that is not how I feel about other authors so why do I feel that way about myself? I know my writing is another lesson to learn, especially about shyness or shame. Letting others in is not life-threatening and it will only enhance.

Live Joy, Renee