What I Know About Palmistry

Over the years, I have had my palms read numerous times. It wasn’t until I started going to psychics/mediums that I started to pay attention. Most psychics/mediums do not rely only on the palm to tell our fortune. It is just an added confirmation of what they can read from your energy.

Source: Dreamstime.comEA

By the shape of our palms combined with the length of our fingers, anyone can tell what Element Sign we are. Whether it be Earth, Fire, Water or Air. We can confirm our Element Sign by the texture and moisture in the skin when we have too much or too little.

Next, we can tell characteristics about a person by the length of the three fingers: index, middle and ring. Using the knuckle lines closest to the fingernail, we can determine if we have expanded or learned new talents. I can’t seem to find any website to back me up on this one. But when my palm was read, I was told my creativity and intellect grow by the extra lines on my ring and index finger. And let’s not forget what the fingertip prints say about us too.

The Lines On Your Palm

The classic reading is of the lines on our palms. Right hand for women and left hand for men. It is also said that the right hand is the present life and the left hand is a recent past life that is influencing us.

The Marriage Line is connected to the Children Lines too. I like to believe the marriage line is the Heart Line and when it disconnects then starts up again. You might have two or more love relationships, depending on how many times it disconnects. Then the Marriage Lines can be how many children you will have. Not all children are biological, sometimes it’s how many children you feel you have parented/loved like a child.

Symbols On The Palm

Source: Astrogle

Many symbols can be found on our palms, some good and some bad. I was told the square is a Teachers Square, showing us what we are good at and our life purpose. Triangles are good too and I think it means leadership/popularity. I have a Teaching Square on both my palms, so I feel it must be something I love to do.

Closing Words

Palmistry, just like any divination reading is subject to Free Will. Even though our palms display one thing, it does not mean we can not change it with our will. Palms can grow and change throughout our lives. It would be fun to take photographs of our palms every year to see the changes.

Live Joy, Renee