Trying To Help The Helpless

I am bad for wanting to help others who sound helpless. Even if they did not ask, I go straight into offering my help. Whether it’s helpful to them or not. This weekend, I caught myself offering help where help is not needed. Putting myself in a place I do not want to be in. I wish to tell the other person that I offered my help by mistake and would like to rescind my offer if the change comes up.

Place Holders In Life

Certain characters in my life feel like placeholders. They appear to be directionless in life. I see their daily struggles with finding a purpose and offering my own. Like a fool, I believe they will help peace and joy in the same things I do. This is silly because everybody must find their life purpose and use their drive to follow through.

I think I am helping, but I am pushing my life goals onto them. I believe there are people out there that are just meant to be companions. Without major drives to cause change, but to be a companion for others along their journey. There is nothing wrong with this situation, it’s just hard for me to understand their purpose.

But not all are meant to shine bright, some are meant to help others do their shining. And I am sure we all take turns shining and helping others. In a relationship, it should be a give and take, but sometimes one person gets to suck. Not knowing how to get back into helping others shine instead of themselves.

Source: Willow Place For Women

Message From My Guide

Imagine yourself as a tree, rooted deep into the ground and unable to move around. People in seek of help, will come to you for your shade and shelter. But for all of those that stay just out of reach, you can not help. Until they want what you are offering.

A deep lesson for me to lessons. As I have the urge to help when maybe help is not warranted. I hope to integrate this lesson and become a more effective catalyst in this world. Only offering my help and energy to those who want it.

Live Joy, Renee