Soul Contracts & Soul Plans

They sound interchangeable, but they’re not. I define a soul contract to be an agreement between two souls that will play out during a lifetime. While a soul plan is a soul’s layout for that lifetime containing all possible outcomes. Both are made in spirit, on the other side before being incarnated into a physical body.

Source: Awakening Transformation

A soul contract is more of a What, than a How. What emotions will the other soul help you to feel? The how part is dependent on how loud the message needs to be before you take notice. For example, a soul chooses to learn how to surrender to help. Now that can mean a parent/child relationship or a caregiver/patient relationship. Sometimes the first one develops into the other if the soul is not willingly surrendered to their help. It’s all based on what emotions the soul would like to understand in depth during a lifetime.

Soul contracts are a two-way street, where all souls involved are getting a learning experience out of the agreement. So the next time someone is causing you to feel a very tough emotion, remember they are learning from it too. I like to think that the souls willing to be the Bad Guy or do Bad Things to you are part of your soul family and who love you so much that they are willing to do what you need them to do to learn.

Balancing The Karma In A Life-Time

Soul contracts usually can not be changed. The reason for that is about balance, it’s your turn to balance the karma out between you and the other soul. The goal is to understand the emotions behind the actions and understand them to a different depth than before. Sometimes a situation will happen over and over in different lifetimes, so the soul can grasp the concept of emotions at different levels.

Whereas a soul plan is about one soul’s journey through a lifetime and what goals the soul wants to accomplish. The situations laid out in the soul plan help to shape their emotional experiences. They are not set in stone, they can be altered using free will. Life plans rely on other souls’ contracts with you. They help cause the situations that create the emotions which lead you toward taking the correct actions.

We are all responsible for our own emotions and actions, all another soul can do is set it up for you. But ultimately a soul is the one who needs to feel the emotion in order to create the actions laid out for them in their life plan.

Living Web Of Connections

I find it helpful to think of a soul plan as a living document. Where new outcomes arise as you live your life using your free will. It’s the soul contracts’ job to keep you on the most probable path. The path to giving you the most growth per lifetime. A soul learns using the two most common ways: through situations and relationships. Throughout a lifetime, a soul moves from one to the other. When a soul has loving, supportive relationships then life situations are harder. But if the life situation is non-strenuous then the relationships will be challenging.

Soul plans also come with themes. For me, it’s been about: courage and loneliness. I have had many lifetimes with a meek demeanour, so this lifetime I am finding my true self. And having the courage to be me when others think differently, and encourage others to be their true self. As for loneliness, it’s about feeling disconnected from the people around me. Being different has caused me to have a harder time connecting with others. I am now able to find peace in my relationships and with the loneliness that keeps me company every once in a while.

To discover your theme(s), write down all the hard emotions you have had to go through. See if one or two emotions come up more than others. Think about if you have learned all about that emotion, inside and out. I like to think of lifetimes as the ocean and souls as rocks. The rock keeps throwing itself about into the ocean to be redefined and smoothed out. Until is’s this beautiful shape stone that shimmers in the water.

Watch videos on Channeling Erik – YouTube for Professor Erik’s Virtual Classroom on Soul Plans and life lessons.

Live Joy, Renee