Free Yourself From Emotional Objects

Free yourself from emotional objects, that bog you down. This topic is similar to my post on nightstands, but I wanted to address how we put meaning onto objects and therefore energize them with emotions.

Source: IHR Web Archives – Institute Of Historical Research

I am reminded of this episode of Rick and Morty; Needful Things, where Mr. Needful sells cursed items. He did not create the cursed items, just resold them in his antique shop. The items give you want, but take away something else in exchange. This brings my thoughts to the creepy feeling people get when they walk into antique shops or old heritage buildings.

All these things are linked when someone energizes an object with their emotions. Psychometry is the sensing of that energy, people who can read an object’s energy was the ability of clairtangency. When performing psychometry, metal objects are the best. Especially items that have been worn or have DNA transferred to them.

Now that I have explained the spiritual terminology, I would like to address everyday items. Like the ones, we keep from our past or things that have been handled down.

Example To Consider

For example, if you bought a weight scale because you believed you were gaining weight which was a bad thing. Then every time you walked into the room where the scale is, you will feel the lower vibrational energy of gaining weight tugging at you. Or the opposite is true too. If you keep a parent’s proud sports trophy and play sports yourself, the trophy will influence your energy with the same good feelings and proud thoughts.

When people keep tokens from tragic events; like war metals or war artifacts, they are holding that negative energy in their space. Do you still keep love tokens from your ex’s in a shoebox somewhere? Please don’t. Unless you only have happy memories of them and not hurtful, pining ones.

Thoughts create reality and when you put alternative meanings into objects, you can create conflicting purposes for those objects. Letting go of past items is aura cleansing. When I let go of all my high school tokens, I was saying goodbye and thank you to the old Renee. My old self was angry and held on to grudges. Though I am not perfect now, I do feel more balanced and calm.

Take a look around your living space and workspace for objects you might be holding alternative meanings for. See if they still hold their purpose in your life. You can keep them, replace them, or discard them altogether. Also, be aware of any new objects you bring into your space, and make sure they spark joy or serve a useful purpose.

Live Joy, Renee