Perceiving The Layers Of Reality

Our beingness is multi-dimensional. I am unsure how many layers there are to our existence, but spiritual teachings mention 12 dimensions.

Here on Earth, we are experiencing the 3rd dimension of your souls. We can also perceive the dimensions below us; 1st and 2nd. I believe that our soul’s dimensions are directly related to our chakras. The illustration below shows the seven major chakras of the human body. We do have dimensions below and above our physical bodies too.

Being 3D, we can access the I AM, I FEEL, and I DO of our existence. 5D or the New Earth that Delores Cannon talks about is the transition humans are going through now. We are moving through the I LOVE and right into I SPEAK. There are layers to our existence that do not have a physical form, like 4D.

I feel this concept is important to teach. Since Spirit’s information could be coming from a different layer of reality. Causing us to misinterpret their message if it is on a different dimension than our current consciousness.

It is important to prepare our consciousness through mediation/raising our vibration to properly understand the information.

Live Joy, Renee