Time To Share Your Gift

When is it time to share your God-given gifts? I am talking about the gifts innately inside all of us. The Clairs: Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Claircognizance, Clairempathy, etc. Everybody has the same gifts, some people can just access their Clairs easier or at a younger age.

Source: Reiki Lifestyle

As a mother, it’s hard to watch my children struggle with their Clairs. My one daughter is strong in claircognizance and receives thoughts and images from the people around her. She knows what we are not saying and what we are thinking about. So when we say one thing but think another, it’s hard for her to comprehend. I find she has many inner conflicts with her intuition.

I believe it is time to share your gifts when you are comfortable enough to admit to yourself that you are psychic. Then we need to have the courage to tell our close family and friends. Don’t be surprised when someone says, “I knew you could do that” or “That makes sense now”. For me, I felt silly telling people who I am. It’s like walking up to someone and saying, “I’m a brunette”. To me, it is a state of being and it should be obvious, but it’s not.

How I Started

I started doing tarot and oracle card readings for my family and friends long before I declared myself psychic. After I started to sell chakra-themed jewelry, I started checking and balancing chakras for them too. After receiving lots of encouraging feedback, I offered my gift at my Etsy shop. Through Etsy, I was able to help strangers, who I have no background with. And because of their feedback, I know my gifts are real.

Spirit is funny, they like to use me to give messages. Sometimes a sent-out package goes missing or is delayed and I like to offer my customers a complimentary Chakra Check and Alignment while they wait. Usually, the message they receive through me is profound and just what they needed to hear. Then the package shows back up with nothing wrong with it. Fate takes hold of the situation to help guide others.

I love that I can be of service to others. Offering spiritual help through an uncommon way, the Chakra System.

Live Joy, Renee