Stripping Away Masculinity

Society is inadvertently stripping away masculinity. Every time the mainstream attitude is: Cancel Culture, Me Too or Gaslighting, we are in an energy imbalance. I am not saying that these steps were not necessary for the highly anticipated masculine wake-up call. But like in all relationships, it takes two to tango. When females stripped away their femininity to be equal to males, we left a void for the distorted masculine to fill in.

Source: Pinterest

Society needs balance and it is everybody’s job to do their part. Females need to reclaim their femininity and be proud of their gender and each other. And males need to embrace their feminine side and feel comfortable being both loving and strong.

Gender Balance

We all need to evaluate our current life balances. Do we embrace both our masculine and feminine qualities? How can we adjust our energies to be in balance with the Law Of Gender? How can we change our thoughts and actions to allow others to be in balance also? Another key element to accepting both genders is forgiveness, for yourselves and others. We are not created to be perfect all the time, but with understanding and patience, we will improve our lives.

As written in a previous post, I did not realize my lack of femininity. Which initiated my partner to compensate with wounded/distorted masculinity. Therefore causing me to see him as co-dependent and needy, while he balanced out my fierce independence.

There is a real need for balance between the two genders. That can be witnessed all around us, between any two people. Let’s combat this effect by learning to see the signs and finding ways to balance our actions. When we do not balance our energies, nature will find a way to for us.

In conclusion, the individual does have the biggest impact on all outcomes. Choose balance. Choose joy. Learn to work with the Laws of the Universe. Then witness all the really exciting and positive changes around you.

Live Joy, Renee